Filed As:

Schefflera sphaerocoma (Benth.) Harms
All Determinations:

Schefflera sphaerocoma (Benth.) Harms
Note: Filed in "Sciodaphyllum" group


Ecuador. Pichincha. Km 113 along the Quito-Puerto Quito road near Pedro Vicente Maldonado. Forest reserve of P. Univ. Católica on the property of ENDESA, 8 km north of the road. Alt. 800m. (2625 ft.)

H. Balslev 4299 with R. Narvaez, J. Jaramillo, 07 May 1983

A hemiepiphytic tree. Trunk ca. 10 cm in diameter, 6-7 m tall, wood very hard, not branching, terminating in a about 1 m long leafy section. Leafbases with the giant stipules completely covering the trunk on this apical part. The leaves densly inserted with with 10 cm long stipules; petioles 60-70 cm long; blade compound, palmately divided, with the leaflets dehiscent. Inflorescence terminal on the trunk, with an erect, 60-70 cm long rachis and over 100 (estimated) 50-60 cm long primary branches.

Premontane forest.

NY Barcode: 03227431
GUID: 6af93208-bcc9-4e71-b30e-306cf6b0d822

Coordinates: (-0.08, -79.08)


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