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Cybianthus fulvopulverulentus (Mez) G.Agostini subsp. fulvopulverulentus
Cybianthus fulvopulverulentus (Mez) G.Agostini subsp. fulvopulverulentus
All Determinations:
Cybianthus fulvopulverulentus (Mez) G.Agostini subsp. fulvopulverulentus det. J. M. Ricketson, 2012
Cybianthus fulvopulverulentus (Mez) G.Agostini subsp. fulvopulverulentus det. J. M. Ricketson, 2012
Brazil. Acre. Cruzeiro do Sul Mun. Basin of Rio Juruá, BR-307, unfinished road near intersection with Ramal Pentecoste.
Brazil. Acre. Cruzeiro do Sul Mun. Basin of Rio Juruá, BR-307, unfinished road near intersection with Ramal Pentecoste.
D. C. Daly 10672 with L. Lohmann, M. C. C. Souza, I. Rivero, E. C. Oliveira & J. R. Bandeira, 26 Apr 2001
D. C. Daly 10672 with L. Lohmann, M. C. C. Souza, I. Rivero, E. C. Oliveira & J. R. Bandeira, 26 Apr 2001
shrub or tree. Shrub or treelet to 3.5 m, fruits globose, immature. Phenology of specimen: Fruit.
shrub or tree. Shrub or treelet to 3.5 m, fruits globose, immature. Phenology of specimen: Fruit.
"campina" complex on white sand overlying impermeable clay: large area (several ha) of dense shrubs, most 2 m tall, with scattered trees to 5 m, white sand exposed in many places. Frequent. White sand overlying impermeable clay.
"campina" complex on white sand overlying impermeable clay: large area (several ha) of dense shrubs, most 2 m tall, with scattered trees to 5 m, white sand exposed in many places. Frequent. White sand overlying impermeable clay.
GUID: d414af90-1471-4d6f-bd9d-54e9f7c0b1a4
GUID: d414af90-1471-4d6f-bd9d-54e9f7c0b1a4
Coordinates: (-7.4003, -73.0211)
Coordinates: (-7.4003, -73.0211)