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Axinaea merianiae (DC.) Triana
Axinaea merianiae (DC.) Triana
Ecuador. Azuay. 31 km S of centre of Cuenca on road to Loja. Alt. 3000m. (9842 ft.)
Ecuador. Azuay. 31 km S of centre of Cuenca on road to Loja. Alt. 3000m. (9842 ft.)
Rather spindly shrub to 1 m; leaves coriaceous, dark bottle-green glossy above, paler and dull below with blood-red veins, calyces somewhat fleshy, dark blood-red, petals waxy, pale whitish pink on inner face, mauve-pink on outer face, anthers ellipsoid, ochre-brown with a dark brown spur.
Rather spindly shrub to 1 m; leaves coriaceous, dark bottle-green glossy above, paler and dull below with blood-red veins, calyces somewhat fleshy, dark blood-red, petals waxy, pale whitish pink on inner face, mauve-pink on outer face, anthers ellipsoid, ochre-brown with a dark brown spur.
NY Barcode: 2450599
GUID: f753706c-aee2-4390-b68d-803f2016d674
NY Barcode: 2450599
GUID: f753706c-aee2-4390-b68d-803f2016d674
Coordinates: (-3.13, -79.03)
Coordinates: (-3.13, -79.03)