Filed As:
Drymonia coccinea (Aubl.) Wiehler
Drymonia coccinea (Aubl.) Wiehler
All Determinations:
Drymonia coccinea (Aubl.) Wiehler det. L. E. Skog, 1989
Note: NYPC conversion: (2/96) Converted ACRE file listed DETSOURCE as 'C'.
Drymonia coccinea (Aubl.) Wiehler det. L. E. Skog, 1989
Note: NYPC conversion: (2/96) Converted ACRE file listed DETSOURCE as 'C'.
Brazil. Acre. Cruzeiro do Sul Mun. Santa Lucia, km 40 on Transamazonica highway E of Cruzeiro do Sul. Terre firme, ecotonal with high várzea. Inventory site.
Brazil. Acre. Cruzeiro do Sul Mun. Santa Lucia, km 40 on Transamazonica highway E of Cruzeiro do Sul. Terre firme, ecotonal with high várzea. Inventory site.
J. F. Pruski 3482 with D. Campbell, D. Williams, A. Rosas, E. Batista & J. R. Santos, 15 Oct 1987
J. F. Pruski 3482 with D. Campbell, D. Williams, A. Rosas, E. Batista & J. R. Santos, 15 Oct 1987
Climber near forest edge bordering stream. Flowers red, ovary flattened, red on edges, white between . Leaves often reddish below. Phenology of specimen: Flower.
Climber near forest edge bordering stream. Flowers red, ovary flattened, red on edges, white between . Leaves often reddish below. Phenology of specimen: Flower.
Terre firme, ecotonal with high várzea.
Terre firme, ecotonal with high várzea.
NY Barcode: 867897
GUID: bd5900ba-e498-451e-9612-4b1c2bdfa183
NY Barcode: 867897
GUID: bd5900ba-e498-451e-9612-4b1c2bdfa183
Coordinates: (-7.55, -72.13)
Coordinates: (-7.55, -72.13)