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Axinaea reginae Bussmann, J.A.Gruhn & A.Glenn ( isotype )
All Determinations:

Axinaea reginae Bussmann, J.A.Gruhn & A.Glenn
Note: Basionym


Peru. Amazonas. Chachapoyas Prov. Distrito Leymebamba. Róo El Jardiín. Alt. 3090m. (10138 ft.)

R. W. Bussmann 15926 with Jennifer Gruhn, R. Wagter, J. E. Briones O. & Willymeza Espinoza, 30 Jun 2009

Understory treelet 3-5 m tall; stems densely covered in white recurved hairs; petioles and midribs with dense white papillae; leaf underside with scattered waxy scales that easily brush-off, upper side of leaves coriaceous, glabrous; peduncles and pedicels with scattered waxy papillae; inflorescence dense 30-40 cm long hanging racemes; petals white with purple margins; anthers forming ring in lower half of flower, bright yellow when young, turning dark red, with 7-8 mm long dark purple spur; filaments 4-5 mm long, 2-3 mm broad, light purple. Phenology of specimen: Fruit.

Tall Escallonia/Weinmannia forest with high amount of Iochroma in understory.

NY Barcode: 02200738
GUID: af4af859-3dc4-4352-8cc0-00328759565a

Coordinates: (-6.9425, -77.6983)


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