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Miconia punctata (Desr.) D.Don ex DC.
All Determinations:

Miconia punctata (Desr.) D.Don ex DC. det. J. Meirelles, 2012

Miconia Ruiz & Pav.


Venezuela. Aragua. Road Maracay to Ocumare, km 28, ca. 1.5 km above road. Alt. 770m. (2526 ft.)

K. S. Edwards 421 with T. Roe, 06 Apr 1990

Tree 10 m tall, 11.5 cm D.B.H. Trunk long, thin, branching only at 8 m above ground. Bark rough, thin vertical fissures. No latex. Leaves thick, leathery, smooth above, brown pubescent below. Infructescence terminal, a lax raceme. Fruit pale green ripening to purple, 4 mm diam, slightly broader than long, brown remnants of flower remain at apex. Phenology of specimen: Fruit.

Moist evergreen with some deciduous tree, emergents (Gyranthera caribensis) common, to 50 m tall. Forest dense, ca. 90% canopy cover, with several large clearings locally due to tree falls. Sparse understorey, mainly regenerating trees.

NY Barcode: 01796280
GUID: f1b5d847-0382-4e95-b1aa-dac30abdc683

Coordinates: (10.35, -67.72)


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