Filed As:

Licania humilis Cham. & Schltdl.
All Determinations:

Licania humilis Cham. & Schltdl. det. G. T. Prance, Oct 1975

Moquilea utilis Hook.f. det. J. C. Gomes, 1964


Brazil. São Paulo. Mogi Guaçú Mun. "Campos das Sete Lagoas". Fazenda Campininha, just north of Rio Moji-Guaçu. About 10 km north-NE of river & village of PADUA SALES (about 30 km NW of city of MOJI-MIRIM. Alt. 625 m. (2051 ft.)

G. Eiten 3252 with L. T. Eiten, 10 Jul 1961

Tree 4 m. tall, trunk 10 cm d.b.h. Fls. with slight odor; tepals light green, filaments white, anthers very pale yellow. specimens from one tree. Phenology of specimen: Flower.

Dense campo cerrado (a type of woodland). Small scrubby trees with crowns touching to separated by a distance of 1-3 crown diameters. Dappled shade and scattered small openings of a few square meters. Many shrubs, ground cover of grasses and herbs. In slightly open part. Trees 3-8 m. tall, 3-6 m apart. Soil poor, reddish-brown fine sand with a little clay.

NY Barcode: 378501
GUID: 0d2cd715-4deb-48b2-b667-a598b818b0d9

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