Filed As:

Solanum nudum Dunal
All Determinations:

Solanum nudum Dunal det. K. Watson, Jan 2012
Note: ! S. Knapp (BM), 2012


Guatemala. Izabal. Morales Mun. Sierra Caral, along trail heading northeast from research station (15.40695, -88.69598), ± parallel to primary dirt road entering the camp. (WGS84). Alt. 500 - 550 m. (1640 - 1804 ft.)

K. Watson 31 with R. Kriebel, J. Jiménez Barrios, J. P. Morales Estrada, R. Rodas, C. Bonilla, 13 Jun 2011

Subshrub or small tree, 1.5 m tall. Stems and petioles green, glabrous. Tufts of white trichomes in axils of midvein abaxially. Inflorescence pendulous, peduncle light green, pedicels and calyx light green to white; corolla reflexed, white; anther filaments light green, thecae yellow-orange, connivent; style light green. Immature fruit green, turning black. Phenology of specimen: Flower.

In partial sun along trail.

NY Barcode: 01318330
GUID: bf3f6d8b-1a4e-4067-83dc-3c3ae88fc1a7

Georeferencing Method: GPS ([Geographic coordinates obtained using GPS, then printed on label.])
Coordinates: (15.4107, -88.6982)


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