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Macleania smithiana Luteyn
Macleania smithiana Luteyn
Colombia. Valle del Cauca. Costa del Pacífico, río Naya; Puerto Merizalde. Alt. 5 - 20 m. (16 - 66 ft.)
Colombia. Valle del Cauca. Costa del Pacífico, río Naya; Puerto Merizalde. Alt. 5 - 20 m. (16 - 66 ft.)
frútex epífito. pedúnculo, cáliz y corola rojo vermellón; extremo de la corola verde. Phenology of specimen: Flower.
frútex epífito. pedúnculo, cáliz y corola rojo vermellón; extremo de la corola verde. Phenology of specimen: Flower.
Specimen Notes: F, GH
Specimen Notes: F, GH
GUID: 36acbda8-901c-48bb-9b5b-a5f5f1bd3b22
GUID: 36acbda8-901c-48bb-9b5b-a5f5f1bd3b22
Georeferencing Method: Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012 (Located coord. of approx. geogr. center of Puerto Merizalde. Measured from coord. to geogr. center of nearest named place, El Trueno; halved dist. to approx. linear extent (1420 m). Input into the MaNIS Georef. Calc. to find the uncert. radius.)
Coordinate Uncertainty(m): 1426.57
Geodetic Datum: WGS84
Coordinates: (3.25194, -77.4191)
Georeferencing Method: Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012 (Located coord. of approx. geogr. center of Puerto Merizalde. Measured from coord. to geogr. center of nearest named place, El Trueno; halved dist. to approx. linear extent (1420 m). Input into the MaNIS Georef. Calc. to find the uncert. radius.)
Coordinate Uncertainty(m): 1426.57
Geodetic Datum: WGS84
Coordinates: (3.25194, -77.4191)