Filed As:
Leandra rufescens (DC.) Cogn.
Leandra rufescens (DC.) Cogn.
All Determinations:
Leandra rufescens (DC.) Cogn. det. J. J. Wurdack, 1970
Note: "(G-DEL sheet annot. Cogn. as var. asperiuscula- J. Wurdack, 1988)"
Leandra rufescens (DC.) Cogn. det. J. J. Wurdack, 1970
Note: "(G-DEL sheet annot. Cogn. as var. asperiuscula- J. Wurdack, 1988)"
French Guiana.
French Guiana.
Specimen Notes: [Specimen located at US (barcode 00616184), and data courtesy of the Biological Diversity of the Guiana Shield Program of the Smithsonian Institution.]
Specimen Notes: [Specimen located at US (barcode 00616184), and data courtesy of the Biological Diversity of the Guiana Shield Program of the Smithsonian Institution.]
GUID: f57619d1-2da1-4a5b-ae7b-a6ed96db04ed
GUID: f57619d1-2da1-4a5b-ae7b-a6ed96db04ed