Filed As:
Aciotis laxa (DC.) Cogn.
Aciotis laxa (DC.) Cogn.
Guyana. Potaro-Siparuni. Trail from Kurupukari Amerindian settlement to Paranapanema survey line, 1-2 km from road. Iwokrama. Alt. 60 m. (197 ft.)
Guyana. Potaro-Siparuni. Trail from Kurupukari Amerindian settlement to Paranapanema survey line, 1-2 km from road. Iwokrama. Alt. 60 m. (197 ft.)
Herb. Herb to 1.5 m; all parts sticky with glandular hairs; flower white.
Herb. Herb to 1.5 m; all parts sticky with glandular hairs; flower white.
Along road and stream in forest. Common.
Along road and stream in forest. Common.
Specimen Notes: [Specimen located at US, and data courtesy of the Biological Diversity of the Guiana Shield Program of the Smithsonian Institution.]
Specimen Notes: [Specimen located at US, and data courtesy of the Biological Diversity of the Guiana Shield Program of the Smithsonian Institution.]
GUID: 606103bd-5d0c-4d7e-990a-6108c389c858
GUID: 606103bd-5d0c-4d7e-990a-6108c389c858
Georeferencing Method: Coordinates determined at another institution (Coordinates determined at US. Determination Source: "map")
Coordinates: (4.66667, -58.6667)
Georeferencing Method: Coordinates determined at another institution (Coordinates determined at US. Determination Source: "map")
Coordinates: (4.66667, -58.6667)