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Clidemia allardii Wurdack
Clidemia allardii Wurdack
Brazil. Acre. Cruzeiro do Sul Mun. Rio Juruá Mirim; disturbed terra firme ca. 2 km N of village of Vista Alegre, coordinates at river. Alt. 230 - 240 m. (755 - 787 ft.)
Brazil. Acre. Cruzeiro do Sul Mun. Rio Juruá Mirim; disturbed terra firme ca. 2 km N of village of Vista Alegre, coordinates at river. Alt. 230 - 240 m. (755 - 787 ft.)
Shrub less than 1 m tall, with swollen green domatia below each node; hypanthium pale green; berries violet at maturity.
Shrub less than 1 m tall, with swollen green domatia below each node; hypanthium pale green; berries violet at maturity.
GUID: 9d912878-fc81-42ce-8c26-17de2448bc74
GUID: 9d912878-fc81-42ce-8c26-17de2448bc74
Coordinates: (-8.1342, -72.8297)
Coordinates: (-8.1342, -72.8297)