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Brazil. Acre. Porto Walter Mun. Igarape Periquito off Rio Juruá Mirim. Disturbed primary forest on terra firme. Alt. 230 m. (755 ft.)

T. B. Croat 85203 with , 13 Nov 2001

Terrestrial; internodes ca. 1 cm or less long, medium yellow-green and glossy; petioles medium to dark green and semiglossy, sheathed to 2-4 cm below base of blade, sheath inequilateral, one side acute, one side briefly free-ending, the free part sharply acute with erect margins; blades dark green and moderately glossy above with distinct but small markings paralleling veins in a broad band mostly near the middle of the blade but extending throughout most of the blade surface; lower surface slightly paler, semiglossy with markings also visible but less distinct; midrib convex and concolorous above, narrowly raised and slightly paler beneath; primary lateral veins weakly sunken above, weakly raised below; minor veins indistinct; inflorescence 1; peduncle 6 cm long, 6 mm diam., medium green, semiglossy; spathe dark green on tube, medium green on blade; pistils ca. 16, pale yellow-green.

GUID: d4bad7af-d1f1-48fb-a0f6-e3735fbcc703

Coordinates: (-8.22, -73.03)


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