Filed As:

Psammisia ferruginea A.C.Sm.
All Determinations:

Psammisia ferruginea A.C.Sm. det. P. Pedraza-Peñalosa, 2008


United States of America. New York. Bronx Co. New York Botanical Garden. Propagation greenhouse.

P. Pedraza-Peñalosa 1896 with , 10 Dec 2008

Shrub. Leaves bullate and bicolor, lighter beneath. Bracteoles brown and desciduous. Rachis green. Pedicels red. Calyx campanulate, terete; calyx tube red, limb green-yellowish, the limb turning reddish with time but still suffused with yellow-green. Corolla urceolate with one constriction above the middle, the throat tubular, bright green in bud and at anthesis, when older turning all dark red. Filaments white; anthers orange with the spurs dark, more or less blackish; style red. The hairs on the flowers are white, those of the stems are ferrugineous.
Feature Notes:

UNICATE. [Photo]. Acc. No. 1069/93*A

GUID: 67bd5828-0f00-42a6-911d-5482f322c1a0

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