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Equisetum bogotense Kunth
Equisetum bogotense Kunth
Bolivia. Santa Cruz. Florida Prov. Along road to Bella Vista, 6.5 km SE from Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway turnoff vic. Cuevas. Slopes along road through bottom of valley of upper Quebrada de la Coca. Alt. 1275 - 1335 m. (4183 - 4380 ft.)
Bolivia. Santa Cruz. Florida Prov. Along road to Bella Vista, 6.5 km SE from Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway turnoff vic. Cuevas. Slopes along road through bottom of valley of upper Quebrada de la Coca. Alt. 1275 - 1335 m. (4183 - 4380 ft.)
Along stream in sand and among boulders where sometimes flooded. The patches in the most flooded areas and forming a short sward are the most prolific cone-producers.
Along stream in sand and among boulders where sometimes flooded. The patches in the most flooded areas and forming a short sward are the most prolific cone-producers.
Steep grassy slopes, between mountains of massive red sandstone. Disturbed forest in valley bottom.
Steep grassy slopes, between mountains of massive red sandstone. Disturbed forest in valley bottom.
NY Barcode: 309535
GUID: 92fe72c8-672c-4494-a46a-cf3322ee3cba
NY Barcode: 309535
GUID: 92fe72c8-672c-4494-a46a-cf3322ee3cba
Coordinates: (-18.22, -63.68)
Coordinates: (-18.22, -63.68)