Filed As:

Alchornea latifolia Sw.
All Determinations:

Alchornea latifolia Sw. det. D. E. Atha, 2008


Puerto Rico. Ciales. Reserva Tres Picachos, E of the town of Jayuya and road 141 and W of the town of Ciales and road 149, ± north of road 533 at km marker 3.5. Alt. 650 m. (2133 ft.)

D. E. Atha 6113 with Debra Adamsons and Anna Sakellariadis, 27 Mar 2008

Tree ca 12 m tall, the trunk ca 20 cm diam; bark whitish; the sap clear; petiole adaxials reddish; leaf blades bright green; inflorescences sometimes cauliflorous; fruit red.
Feature Notes:

Sample preserved in silica gel at NY. Samples deposited at the Natural Products Repository, NCI-Frederick, Frederick, MD: 6113 root (0X0G-1229-C); 6113 stem wood (0X0G-1227-Z); 6113 stem bark (0X0G-1228-A)

NY Barcode: 1087310
GUID: db503e00-1896-4994-be4d-1dea33ce8bb7

Coordinates: (18.2382, -66.5404)


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