Filed As:

Matisia ochrocalyx K.Schum.
All Determinations:

Matisia ochrocalyx K.Schum.
Note: synonym

Quararibea ochrocalyx (K.Schum.) Vischer det. A. G. M. W. A. Robyns, 1968
Note: ! W. S. Alverson, 1985


Brazil. Amazonas. behind Boca do Acre air-strip, north bank of Rio Purus.

G. T. Prance 2439 with B. S. Pena, J. F. Ramos & E. R. Videcki, Jr., 20 Sep 1966

tree. Tree, 12m x 10cm diameter. Corolla and stamens white.

Forest on terra firme.

NY Barcode: 1027179
GUID: a2a8db2a-492b-48d9-9b8d-c61cd665131e

Georeferencing Method: Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012 (Georeferenced to the geographic center of the airport of Boca do Acre in Amazonas, Brazil. Using Google Maps - Satellite View, located the location of the Boca do Acre airport, which is very nearby Rio Purus. Used Distance Measurement Tool (Google Maps) to measure total extent of the airport, then halved this distance to approximate the location of the midpoint of the airport. Used Canadensys Lat/Long Crosshairs to find the coordinates of the geographic center. Used Distance Measurement Tool (Google Maps) again to find linear extent by measuring from the selected coordinates to the farthest extent of the airport. Used linear extent as the uncertainty radius.)
Coordinate Uncertainty(m): 972.661
Geodetic Datum: WGS84
Coordinates: (-8.83384, -67.3122)


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(If georeferenced specimens are available)