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Displaying 181 - 240 out of 5601 Object(s)
Taxon Collector Location Type Status Barcode
Smilax canellifolia Mill.E. C. Leonard 14520
30 Mar 1929 - 07 Apr 1929
Haiti. Nord-Ouest. High mountain slope southwest of city. Vicinity of St. Louis du Nord.1096637v-053.5-01096637.jpg
Smilax canellifolia Mill.N. L. Britton 1948
Jamaica. Bluefields.1096641v-053.5-01096641.jpg
Smilax canellifolia Mill.W. Fawcett 6406
22 Jun 1896
Jamaica. Green Valley.1096643v-053.5-01096643.jpg
Smilax canellifolia Mill.N. L. Britton 369
11 Sep 1906
Jamaica. Mona Hill.1096645v-053.5-01096645.jpg
Smilax canellifolia Mill.N. L. Britton 1065
Jamaica. Spur Tree Hill.1096647v-053.5-01096647.jpg
Smilax domingensis Willd.E. C. Leonard 12244
22 Jan 1929
Haiti. Nord-Ouest. La Coup road south of city. Vicinity of Port de Paix.1096652v-053.5-01096652.jpg
Smilax domingensis Willd.J. N. Rose 4113
24 Mar 1913 - 25 Mar 1913
Dominican Republic. Santo Domingo. Cave Santa Ama.1096660v-053.5-01096660.jpg
Smilax domingensis Willd.H. A. Senn 323
21 Mar 1938 - 23 Mar 1938
Cuba. Cienfuegos. Mina Carlota, south-east of Cumanayagua, Sierra de San Juan. Santa Clara Prov.1096663v-053.5-01096663.jpg
Smilax domingensis Willd.N. L. Britton 3248
Jamaica. Mandeville to Brown's Town.1096665v-053.5-01096665.jpg
Smilax domingensis Willd.N. L. Britton 3219
Jamaica. Manchester. Near Mandeville.1096666v-053.5-01096666.jpg
Smilax domingensis Willd.J. A. Shafer 13868
Cuba. Pinar del Río. Sierra de Francisco—sierra about same as others but more wooded, in most NW sierra, heavy rain;.1096679v-053.5-01096679.jpg
Smilax domingensis Willd.N. L. Britton 14476 with E. G. Britton, P. Wilson et al.,
Cuba. Isla de la Juventud. [Isle of Pines] vic. San Pedro;.1096681v-053.5-01096681.jpg
Smilax domingensis Willd.T. A. Zanoni 28351 with M. Mejia, J. Pimentel,
30 Dec 1983
Dominican Republic. Peravia. Cordillera Central: ladera de Arroyo Parra, en La Vereda aprox. 12 Km de San Jose de Ocoa en el camino a El Naranjal y La Cienaga.1096682v-053.5-01096682.jpg
Smilax domingensis Willd.N. L. Britton 3560
Jamaica. Saint Thomas. Mansfield.1096685v-053.5-01096685.jpg
Smilax domingensis Willd.T. A. Zanoni 35368 with M. Mejia, J. Pimentel, R. Garcia,
06 Aug 1985
Dominican Republic. El Seibo. Los Haitises: cerca de la Costera de Guardaperques de Monte Bonito en el Parque Nacional Los Haitises.1096687v-053.5-01096687.jpg
Smilax domingensis Willd.G. R. Proctor 8374
29 Jan 1954
Jamaica. Saint Catherine. St. Clair property, circa 1 mile ESE of Riverhead.1096707v-053.5-01096707.jpg
Smilax domingensis Willd.G. R. Proctor 6292
03 Apr 1952
Jamaica. Manchester. 2 miles NW of Devon Post Office.1096708v-053.5-01096708.jpg
Smilax domingensis Willd.J. A. Shafer 3078
Cuba. Oriente: Sierra Nipe, vicinity of "Woodfred," alt. about 1700 ft, [word unclear]. Along stream E of "Woodfred Inn".1096728v-053.5-01096728.jpg
Smilax domingensis Willd.N. L. Britton 4758
Cuba. Las Villas. Sierra de Trinidad, 1st Camp, near Guanabana, 260 m.1096729v-053.5-01096729.jpg
Smilax domingensis Willd.J. A. Shafer 3402
01 Jan 1910
Cuba. Oriente: Sierra Nipe, near Woodfred. [head of water reservoir Arroyo, deciduous woods and thickets].1096731v-053.5-01096731.jpg
Smilax domingensis Willd.J. A. Shafer 3677
Cuba. Oriente: Piedra Gorda to Arroyo Seboruco, river valley, wooded;.1096733v-053.5-01096733.jpg
Smilax domingensis Willd.N. L. Britton 9957 with E. G. Britton and J. F. Cowell,
Cuba. Pinar del Río. N end Corrientes Bay [=Ensenada de Corrientes], [Trip by schooner from La Coloma to Cabo Corrientes and back].1096734v-053.5-01096734.jpg
Smilax domingensis Willd.T. A. Zanoni 19995 with M. Mejia, J. Pimentel,
13 Apr 1981
Dominican Republic. La Vega. Cordillera Central: 8.6 Km desde el poblado rural de La Sal en el camino a La Palma: este del poblado arriba Loma LA Golodrina.1096739v-053.5-01096739.jpg
SmilaxF. A. Michelangeli 667
14 Jan 01
Venezuela. Mérida. P. N. Sierra Nevada, Sector La Mucuy, Sendero La Mucuy-Laguna La Coromoto.
Smilax rotundifolia L.J. C. Lendemer 17885
26 May 2009
United States of America. Pennsylvania. Lancaster Co. New Texas Serpentine Barren, N of Black Baron Rd., 1.5 mi W of jct with US 222, 0.75 mi E of Pleasant Grove.110340101103401.jpg
Smilax rotundifolia L.D. E. Atha 7493
11 Jun 2009
United States of America. New York. Putnam Co. ca 7 km W of New York/Connecticut border and ca 10 km N of Putnam/Westchester border, Ice Pond Conservation Area, E of Ice Pond Rd, W of Co. Rd 62 (Farm to Market Rd), N of Rte 312 and S of Rte 164.0108879301088793.jpg
Smilax herbacea L. var. herbaceaD. E. Atha 7495
11 Jun 2009
United States of America. New York. Putnam Co. ca 7 km W of New York/Connecticut border and ca 10 km N of Putnam/Westchester border, Ice Pond Conservation Area, E of Ice Pond Rd, W of Co. Rd 62 (Farm to Market Rd), N of Rte 312 and S of Rte 164.0108879501088795.jpg
Smilax hispida Muhl. ex Torr.D. E. Atha 7227 with Dwayne Estes,
15 May 2009
United States of America. Tennessee. Obion Co. NE of Walnut Log, E of US 157, W of Mt. Manuel Church Road.0108872701088727.jpg
Smilax hispida Muhl. ex Torr.D. E. Atha 7279
18 May 2009
United States of America. Tennessee. Abion Co. ca 12 km NE of Tiptonville, E shore of Reelfoot Lake, place known locally as Walnut Log.0113255101132551.jpg
Smilax herbacea L.W. R. Buck 45094
08 Oct 2003
United States of America. New York. Putnam Co. Town of Patterson, Sterling Farm Preserve, Cornwall Hill, S of Couch Road, ca. 0.4 mi E of Cornwall Hill Road.0112687001126870.jpg
Smilax rotundifolia L.D. E. Atha 8083
26 Aug 2009
United States of America. New York. Bronx Co. New York City. Grounds of The New York Botanical Garden. S of Waring Ave and E of the Bronx River.0111618301116183.jpg
Smilax hispida Muhl. ex Torr.D. E. Atha 8250 with Michael Nee,
10 Sep 2009
United States of America. Wisconsin. Crawford Co. ca 3.1km WNW of Boscobel on N side of Wisconsin River, N of US 60.0111654501116545.jpg
Smilax hispida Muhl. ex Torr.D. E. Atha 8387
16 Sep 2009
United States of America. Pennsylvania. Tioga Co. Tioga State Forest, ca 14.5 km SSE of Wellsboro, margins of Landrus Road on slope above Babb Creek.0115748701157487.jpg
Smilax schomburgkiana KunthP. R. J. Bamps 5207
21 Jan 1976
Brazil. Pará. Altamira - Itaituba, km 115.114527201145272.jpg
Smilax auriculata WalterD. E. Atha 3549 with Hannah Stevens & John Fussell,
02 Oct 2002
United States of America. North Carolina. Carteret Co. Ft. Macon St. Park, dunes just behind primary dunes.0019874700198747.jpg
Smilax coriacea Spreng.F. S. Axelrod 4054
14 Feb 1992
Puerto Rico. Yauco. Sosua Forest Reserve, trail from Reserve office N along Rio Loco.16611571661157.jpg
Smilax coriacea Spreng.Collector unspecified 32247
01 Sep 1981
Puerto Rico. Fajardo. El Convento, at sea level.16611601661160.jpg
Smilax coriacea Spreng.I. Vélez 3848
25 Aug 1950
Puerto Rico. Bruja [?], Guaniquilla.16611621661162.jpg
Smilax coriacea Spreng.W. E. Hess 1417
10 May 1913
Puerto Rico. Monte Alegrillo.16611641661164.jpg
Smilax laurifolia L.D. E. Atha 2563 with Bruce K. Holst,
13 Apr 2002
United States of America. Florida. Okaloosa Co. Eglin Airforce Base, East Bay Swamp, about 2.1 km north of Hwy 98 on Eglin road 251, and about 2.6 km (by air) west of Santa Rosa/Okaloosa County line.0019814800198148.jpg
Smilax schomburgkiana KunthS. C. de Sant'Ana 1260 with W. Thomas, J. Mitchell,
09 Jul 2006
Brazil. Bahia. Camacã. RPPN Serra Bonita, 9,7 km W of Camacã na estrada para Jacarecí, daí 6 km SW na estrada para RPPN e Torre da Embratel.0124083201240832.jpg
Smilax vitensis A.DC.W. N. Takeuchi 6148
Papua New Guinea. Sepik.
Smilax calophylla Wall. ex A.DC.G. N. Batianoff 9609104
Australia. Queensland. Stanely Bay, Keswick Island, North Queensland.
Smilax australis R.Br.P. I. Forster PIF24529
Australia. Queensland. Adeline Creek, Daintree National Park.
Smilax glycophylla KlotzschR. M. Dowling W71
Australia. Queensland. Bribie Island.
Smilax brasiliensis Spreng.E. S. S. Medeiros 515 with R. Marquete, E. F. Guimaraes, V. Klein & Tatiani,
15 Nov 2008
Brazil. Distrito Federal. Reserva Ecologica do IBGE, área do Projeto Fogo.103922601039226.jpg
Smilax bona-nox L.D. E. Atha 9108
05 Oct 2010
United States of America. North Carolina. Carteret Co. W of Cape Carteret and E of Swansboro, on bay of White Oak River and Bogue Inlet. Cedar Point of the Croatan National Forest.0120660801206608.jpg
Smilax bona-nox L.D. E. Atha 9102
05 Oct 2010
United States of America. North Carolina. Carteret Co. W of Cape Carteret and E of Swansboro, on bay of White Oak River and Bogue Inlet. Cedar Point of the Croatan National Forest.0120660201206602.jpg
Smilax laurifolia L.D. E. Atha 9117
05 Oct 2010
United States of America. North Carolina. Carteret Co. E of town of Ocean and W of Broad Creek, Pringle Road ca 330 m N of Rt 24, Croatan National Forest.0120658001206580.jpg
Smilax walteri PurshD. E. Atha 9184
07 Oct 2010
United States of America. North Carolina. Craven Co. Brices Creek, ca 4.5 km SSW of James City, Croatan National Forest.0120688401206884.jpg
SmilaxA. V. de Melo Silva 630 with Gomes-Costa, G.A.; Chagas, M.A. & Santos, S.O.,
14 Oct 2010
Brazil. Pernambuco. Jaqueira. Serra do Urubu. Caminho para Lagoa dos Gatos.
Smilax bona-nox L.D. E. Atha 9793
26 Apr 2011
United States of America. South Carolina. Berkeley Co. 380 m W of Huger at Owenby Creek.0140009301400093.jpg
Smilax bona-nox L.D. E. Atha 9767
24 Apr 2011
United States of America. North Carolina. Richmond Co. about 300 m N of the South Carolina border and about 8 km ESE of McFarlan, along Old US 1.0140006701400067.jpg
Smilax bona-nox L.D. E. Atha 9874
29 Apr 2011
United States of America. North Carolina. Carteret Co. ca 5.3 air km E of Newport, along Mill Creek Road.0140017401400174.jpg
Smilax laurifolia L.D. E. Atha 9872
29 Apr 2011
United States of America. North Carolina. Carteret Co. ca 5.3 air km E of Newport, along Mill Creek Road.0140017201400172.jpg
SmilaxM. L. S. Guedes 16370 with L. J. Alves, D. M. Loureiro, A. R. de Oliveira,
13 Jul 2009
Brazil. Bahia. Litoral Sul, Itagibá, Mata do laterítico.128069301280693.jpg
Smilax rotundifolia L.D. E. Atha 9940
02 May 2011
United States of America. North Carolina. Craven Co. ca 5 km SSW of James City. Croatan National Forest.01400540
Smilax schomburgkiana KunthW. A. Egler 47772 with J. M. Pires,
23 Aug 1960
Brazil. Amapá. Rio Oiapoque. At margin of river. Confluence of Rio Iaue with Rio Oiapoque.223046002230460.jpg
SmilaxG. G. Hatschbach 16936
24 Aug 1967
Brazil. Paraná. Cianorte Mun. Fda. Lagoa.103239501032395.jpg
SmilaxG. G. Hatschbach 16936
24 Aug 1967
Brazil. Paraná. Cianorte Mun. Fda. Lagoa.103239601032396.jpg