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Displaying 81 - 140 out of 9815 Object(s)
Taxon Collector Location Type Status Barcode
Selaginella bombycina SpringH. T. Beck 1791 with Alonso Ortiz, Hipolito Cantincuz & Alfonso Cantincuz,
25 Jan 1993
Ecuador. Esmeraldas. Awá Reserve. Community of Mataje.88673
Selaginella subrugosa Mickel & BeitelJ. T. Mickel 6686 with Larry Pardue,
23 Sep 1972
Mexico. Oaxaca. 23 km. south of Valle Nacional, 5 km. north of Vista Hermosa. Ixtlán.holotype14420700144207.jpg
Selaginella fendleri BakerA. Fendler 382
Panama. Barbour - Donato Loop, BCI.holotype fragment74293v-003-00074293.jpg
Selaginella basipilosa ValdespinoJ. T. Mickel 4965 with S. W. Leonard,
26 Sep 1970
Mexico. Oaxaca. Tlacolula. East of Oaxaca on Route 190 near km. 36. Just east of Yagul ruins.holotype14407400144074.jpg
Selaginella basipilosa ValdespinoJ. T. Mickel 4965 with S. W. Leonard,
26 Sep 1970
Mexico. Oaxaca. Tlacolula. East of Oaxaca on Route 190 near km. 36. Just east of Yagul ruins.isotype14407500144075.jpg
Selaginella arizonica MaxonF. Shreve s.n.
28 Jul 1914
United States of America. Arizona. Foot of Soldier Trail, Santa Catalina Mountains.isotype14405300144053.jpg
Selaginella asperula SpringR. de Lemos Fróes 12240
15 Aug 1941
Brazil. Amazonas. São Paulo de Olivença Mun. Basin of Rio Solimões. Tocantis.248278602482786.jpg
Selaginella sartorii Hieron.C. C. W. Sartorius s.n.
Mexico. Veracruz. Mirador.isolectotype9957400099574.jpg
Selaginella chingii AlstonR. C. Ching 6598
31 Jul 1928
China. Guangxi Zhuang. Kwangsi: Fan Shan, by the cave.type12737200127372.jpg
Selaginella krugii Hieron.B. F. Blauner 320
Puerto Rico. Sierra de Luquillo.syntype12694800126948.jpg
Selaginella liebmanni E.Fourn.F. M. Liebmann s.n. Mexico. Veracruz. Orizaba.type fragment2066500020665.jpg
Selaginella epirrhizos SpringS. V. Heald 35 with S. Mori, C. Gracie, V. A. Albert, R. Yahr, D. White & A. Berkov,
21 Sep 1995
French Guiana. Saül and vicinity. Route de Bélizon, south of Eaux Claires.5544800055448.jpg
Selaginella epirrhizos SpringP. G. Windisch 5293
22 Jun 1988
French Guiana. Layon Eaux Claires - Région de Saül.
Selaginella bolanderi Hieron.H. N. Bolander s.n.
United States of America. California. Auburn.holotype fragment14408100144081.jpg
Selaginella vidalii Hieron.A. D. E. Elmer 11722a
Sep 1909
Philippines. Todaya (Mt. Apo), District of Davao.isotype12740800127408.jpg
Selaginella negrosensis Hieron.A. D. E. Elmer 10231
Jun 1908
Philippines. Negros Oriental. Dumaguete (Cuernos Mts.), Island of Negros.isotype12739100127391.jpg
Selaginella rupestris var. balansae A.BraunCollector unspecified s.n.
Morocco. Oned Ghagharn.type fragment12739800127398.jpg
Selaginella sartorii var. venezuelensis Hieron.J. W. K. Moritz 370
Venezuela. isotype fragment9957500099575.jpg
Selaginella parviarticulata W.R.BuckW. R. Buck 12012
06 Oct 1984
Paraguay. Paraguarí. Parque Nacional Ybycuí, along road/trail to Salto Mbocaruzú on Río Corrientes.holotype14415500144155.jpg
Selaginella longipila Hieron.Collector unspecified s.n.
Canada. Saskatchewan. Fort Carlton.isotype14413000144130.jpg
Selaginella truncata A.BraunJ. J. Triana 238
Colombia. Nouvelle-Grenade. prov. Bogota.isotype20656
Selaginella rosea AlstonF. C. Lehmann B.T.845
Dec 1901
Colombia. Forests of Huangubio, in highlands of Popayán.isotype29569
Selaginella praestans AlstonR. Spruce 4788
Ecuador. In Andibus Ecuadorensis.isotype29571
Selaginella sellowii Hieron.F. Sellow s.n.
Brazil. Pra. S. Diego [From progologue: crescit in saxis graniticis ad Praia de San Diego (Sellow, anno 1821)].9957700099577.jpg
Selaginella acanthonota Underw.C. S. Williamson s.n.
Jul 1892
United States of America. North Carolina. Wilmington.holotype14404700144047.jpg
Selaginella funiformis Van Eselt.C. T. Mohr s.n.
05 Mar 1898
United States of America. Florida. Carabelle.isotype144112Virtual Herbarium Image
Selaginella sellowii Hieron.F. Sellow s.n.
Brazil. Pra. S. Diego [From progologue: crescit in saxis graniticis ad Praia de San Diego (Sellow, anno 1821)].isolectotype9957300099573.jpg
Selaginella sellowii Hieron.F. Sellow s.n.
Brazil. Brasilia.isotype58132900581329.jpg
Selaginella drepanophylla AlstonR. C. Ching 6600
31 Jul 1928
China. Guangxi Zhuang. Kwangsi: Fan Shan, by the cave.type12737600127376.jpg
Selaginella californica SpringF. Deppe s.n.
United States of America. Hawaii. [Originally described as coming from California, an apparent error, clarified by A. H. G. Alston, in 1955].type fragment2064800020648.jpg
Selaginella marginata (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) SpringR. Spruce 3621
Venezuela. [Orinoco].not a type20663v-003-00020663.jpg
Selaginella mixteca Mickel & BeitelJ. T. Mickel 6321
11 Aug 1971
Mexico. Oaxaca. Dto. Sola de Vega. 23-29 km. south of Sola de Vega, 27-33 km. north of bridge at Juchatengo.holotype14414100144141.jpg
Selaginella apoensis Hieron.A. D. E. Elmer 11722
Sep 1909
Philippines. Todaya (Mt. Apo), District of Davao.isotype12737000127370.jpg
Selaginella schmidtii Hieron.F. Schmidt s.n.
Russia. Ins. Sachalin.type12740200127402.jpg
Selaginella schmidtii Hieron.F. Schmidt s.n.
Russia. Ins. Sachalin.type fragment12740400127404.jpg
Selaginella schmidtii Hieron.F. Schmidt s.n.
Russia. Ins. Sachalin.type fragment12740500127405.jpg
Selaginella elmeri Hieron.A. D. E. Elmer 7070
Jan 1906
Philippines. Leyte. Palo.isotype12737800127378.jpg
Selaginella palimiformis AlstonE. G. Holt 490 with E. R. Blake, Brazil. Western foothills of Serra Imeri, near Salto de Huá.isotype29568
Selaginella radiata (Aubl.) SpringL. E. Skog 7337
07 Nov 1986
French Guiana. Layon Galbao - Région de Saül.
Selaginella radiata (Aubl.) SpringP. G. Windisch 5253
21 Jun 1988
French Guiana. Crique Limonade - Région de Saül.
Selaginella radiata (Aubl.) SpringS. V. Heald 11 with V. A. Albert & V. Hequet,
17 Sep 1995
French Guiana. Saül and vicinity. Sentier Botanique, La Crique Tortue, closed canopy high above small stream.5542200055422.jpg
Selaginella tarda Mickel & BeitelJ. T. Mickel 6927 with Larry Pardue,
01 Oct 1972
Mexico. Oaxaca. 61 km. south of Putla, 12 km. south of Zacatepec.holotype14421000144210.jpg
Selaginella rupestris (L.) SpringF. I. X. Rugel s.n.
Jul 1841
United States of America. North Carolina. Ad Broad River.144212v-003-00144212.jpg
Selaginella rupestris (L.) SpringW. R. Buck 36073
25 Aug 1999
United States of America. New York. Putnam Co. Town of Patterson, Cranberry Mountain Wildlife Management Area, along Stagecoach Road.32241300322413.jpg
Selaginella ramosissima BakerR. Spruce 4088
Peru. Prope Tarapoto, Peruviae orientalis.isotype14416600144166.jpg
Selaginella ramosissima BakerR. Spruce 4088
Peru. Prope Tarapoto, Peruviae orientalis.isotype fragment144167v-003-00144167.jpg
Selaginella wallacei Hieron.T. Nuttall s.n. United States of America. Columbia River.144143v-003-00144143.jpg
Selaginella wallacei Hieron.L. F. Henderson s.n.
22 Apr 1894
United States of America. Idaho. Latah Co. Kendrick.144224v-003-00144224.jpg
Selaginella wallacei Hieron.W. N. Suksdorf 2646
19 Apr 1901
United States of America. Oregon. Wasco Co. Near Dalles.144226v-003-00144226.jpg
Selaginella macroclada BakerC. F. Appun 802
Guyana. British Guiana.type fragment14413800144138.jpg
Selaginella arsiclada ValdespinoH. D. Barriga 4267
04 Mar 1988
Mexico. Querétaro. Tangojo, cerca del Río Moctezuma, municipio Landa.2282500022825.jpg
Selaginella arsiclada ValdespinoH. D. Barriga 4267
04 Mar 1988
Mexico. Querétaro. Tangojo, cerca del Río Moctezuma, municipio Landa.holotype22826v-003-00022826.jpg
Selaginella arsiclada ValdespinoH. Díaz Barriga 4627
04 Mar 1988
Mexico. Querétaro. Orilla del Río Moctezuma, Tangojo, municipio de Landa.isotype7429500074295.jpg
Selaginella dregei var. hildebrandtiana Hieron.P. Hildebrandt 2363
South Africa. Cap. b. spei [= Cape of Good Hope, South Africa].type fragment12737500127375.jpg
Selaginella wightii Hieron.R. Wight 15
India. Peninsula Ind. Orientalis.isolectotype12740900127409.jpg
Selaginella mickelii ValdespinoJ. T. Mickel 5871
31 Jul 1971
Mexico. Oaxaca. Tuxtepec. 4-9 km. south of Valle Naciona on Route 175.holotype14413900144139.jpg
Selaginella mickelii ValdespinoJ. T. Mickel 5871
31 Jul 1971
Mexico. Oaxaca. Tuxtepec. 4-9 km. S of Valle Nacional on Rte. 175.isotype622173v-003-00622173.jpg
Selaginella ambigua var. fallax Hieron.A. Fendler 42
Trinidad and Tobago. Trinidad.isosyntype2286900022869.jpg
Selaginella ambigua var. fallax Hieron.A. Fendler 42
Trinidad and Tobago. Trinidad.isosyntype22870v-003-00022870.jpg
Selaginella ambigua var. fallax Hieron.A. Fendler 42
Trinidad and Tobago. Trinidad.isosyntype2287100022871.jpg