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Displaying 1 - 19 out of 19 Object(s)
Taxon Collector Location Type Status Barcode
Malaxis Sol. ex Sw.A. B. Alvarez 2717 with L. Suin, J. C. Valenzuela,
17 Julio 2000
Ecuador. Cañar. Parroquia Taday. Carretera Azoguez-Taday-Pindilig, km 34. En las cercanías a Taday.0098187300981873.jpg
Malaxis Sol. ex Sw.T. A. Zanoni 41050 with J. D. Pimentel B. & A. Cabral P.,
18 May 1988
Dominican Republic. Barahona. Sierra de Bahoruco: más arriba de la Finca Habib, Loma Pie de Pol (Pie Pol), al final de la carretera de la Guasara (de Barahona).60037v-066-00060037.jpg
Malaxis Sol. ex Sw.Steven Perlman 20836 with Clay Trauernicht, Wayne Law, Ann Kitalong, Van Ray, Jesse et al,
31 Jan 2008
Palau. Babeldaob island, Ngaremlenui Municipality, Ngarmeskang river and falls with .
Malaxis Sol. ex Sw.G. Stevens s.n.
21 Feb 1991
United States of America. New York. Plutarch swamp.390895103908951.jpg
Malaxis Sol. ex Sw.G. M. Plunkett 2925 with Tom Ranker, Chanel Sam, R. Sean Thackurdeen, Kate Armstrong, Frazer Alo, Alexis Tupun, Samuel, David Kapwia,
26 Jun 2014
Vanuatu. Tafea. South West Tanna Area Council. Tanna Island, around Yenhup and surrounding villages, in gardens and disturbed forests.
Malaxis Sol. ex Sw.G. M. Plunkett 3051 with Marika Tuiwawa, R. Sean Thackurdeen, Frazer Alo, Philemon Ala, Sam Nauka, Konapo Nauperi, Alick Ravirus, Moses Tohn, Karahi Sam, Johnson Kamkari, Martin Kasu, Kuanabo Johnny, Samuel Herwaen,
26 Nov 2014
Vanuatu. Tafea. Whitesands Tanna Area Council. Tanna Island, Southeast Tanna, in forest near Ieneai area, just W of Iatukwei Aidpost, at Kwaprapra.
Malaxis Sol. ex Sw.G. M. Plunkett 3135 with Marika Tuiwawa, Philip Wahe, Sam Nauka, Morris Kawas, Zero Ervé, Michael J. Balick,
11 Mar 2015
Vanuatu. Tafea. Whitesands Tanna Area Council. Tanna Island, Southeast Tanna, Iarofi/Kounarevan area (between Iatukwei and Imaki), at Kahirapei Namare (flying fox roost) area.
Malaxis Sol. ex Sw.G. M. Plunkett 5310 with Marika Tuiwawa, Thomas Doro, Presley Dovo, John Basses.,
10 Dec 2019
Vanuatu. Tafea. Aneityum Area Council. Aneityum Island. Road towards Mount Inrero, 1.1 km NE of Anelgauhat village.
Malaxis Sol. ex Sw.G. Giraldo Caro 452 with J. Betancur, P. Pedraza, M. Sundue, M. Jaimes, E. Tineo, M. Londoño, A. Duque & L. Arias.,
11 Sep 2012
Colombia. Antioquia. Frontino Mun. Corregimiento Carauta, Parque Nacional Natural Las Orquídeas, sector Tres Bocas, camino hacia la mina San Francisco, margen izquierda del río San Francisco.
Malaxis Sol. ex Sw.E. Dominguez Vargas 132 with J. Betancur, M. S. Jaimes,N. R. Salinas, J. Aguirre-Santoro, N. D. Jiménez-E., S. E. Hoyos-Gómez, C. Rivera, J. Serna, A. Duque, C. Robledo, V. Montoya.,
11 Dec 2013
Colombia. Antioquia. Urrao Mun. Parque Nacional Natural Las Orquídeas, sector Calles arriba, sitio El Macho, cuenca del río Calles, margen izquierda.
Malaxis Sol. ex Sw.W. W. Thomas 9260 with A. Carvalho, T.S. dos Santos, A. Amorim, S.Sant'Ana & J.G. Jardim,
14 May 1992
Brazil. Bahia. Wenceslau Guimarães Mun. Ca. 3 km W of Nova Esperança, W edge of Reserva Estadual Wenceslau Guimarães.0098187400981874.jpg
Malaxis Sol. ex Sw.T. A. Ranker 2253 with Gregory M. Plunkett, Kate Armstrong, R. Sean Thackurdeen, Chanel Sam, Laurence Ramon, Frazer Alo, Jean-Pascal Wahe,
20 Jun 2014
Vanuatu. Taféa. Middle Bush Tanna Area Council. Tanna Island. Central Tanna, near Mount Lowanialu, along road from Lenakel to Yasur, c. 9.5 km SE of Lamnatu, near switchbacks in road leading down to the east coast.
Malaxis Sol. ex Sw.T. A. Ranker 2284 with Gregory M. Plunkett, Marika Tuiwawa, Chanel Sam, R. Sean Thackurdeen, Frazer Alo,
13 Nov 2014
Vanuatu. Tafea. North Tanna Area Council. Tanna Island, North Tanna, Green Hill area, Nusemetu Conservation Area.
Malaxis Sol. ex Sw.T. A. Ranker 2322 with Gregory M. Plunkett, Marika Tuiwawa, Chanel Sam, R. Sean Thackurdeen, Frazer Alo, Jimmy Nakapue Asim, Yesua Nakapue, Chessie Church, Samson Jimmy Nakapue, Greg Matai,
15 Nov 2014
Vanuatu. Tafea. North Tanna Area Council. Tanna Island, North Tanna, Green Hill area, Nusemetu Conservation Area.
Malaxis Sol. ex Sw.G. M. Plunkett 4114 with Frazer Alo, Thomas Doro, Marika Tuiwawa, Alifereti Naikatini, Keith Clancy, Thomas Japanesi Lalep, Titya Lalep, Wopa Nasawman, Peter Nesian, Miles Thomas, Andre Boraks,
2 Aug 2017
Vanuatu. Tafea. Aneityum Area Council. Aneityum Island. Nijeptoho River area, 2 km N of Anecro and 6.3 km N of Umej village.0499208004992080.jpg
Malaxis Sol. ex Sw.P. J. M. Maas 9134 with H. Maas-van de Kamer, J. Prado, D. P. Gomes Silva, R. L. O. Maia, E. C. Oliveira, & J. R. Bandeira,
21 Oct 2001
Brazil. Acre. Cruzeiro do Sul Mun. BR-364, near airport.
Malaxis Sol. ex Sw.Steven Perlman 20766 with Clay Trauernicht, Clarence Kitalong,
23 Jan 2008
Palau. Rock Islands south of Koror, Taoch island.
Malaxis Sol. ex Sw.Steven Perlman 20824 with Clay Trauernicht, Wayne Law, Ann Kitalong, Van Ray, Jesse et al,
30 Jan 2008
Palau. Babeldaob island, Ngaremlenui Municipality, Ngarmeskang river and falls with .0481747204817472.jpg
Malaxis Sol. ex Sw.Steven Perlman 20828 with Clay Trauernicht, Wayne Law, Ann Kitalong, Van Ray, Jesse et al,
31 Jan 2008
Palau. Babeldaob island, Ngaremlenui Municipality, Ngarmeskang river and falls with Horsfieldia irya, Campnosperma brevipetiolata, Newbergia, Macaranga carolinensis, Donax, Raphidophora, Cyrtandra palawensis, Astronidium palauense, Freycinetia, Cyathea, PPandanus, Timonius, Osmosia, Hedyotis cornifolia, Pouteria, Pleomele, Rhus, Myrsine palauensis.0501407205014072.jpg