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Displaying 1 - 2 out of 2 Object(s)
Taxon Collector Location Type Status Barcode
Cestrum filipes Urb. & EkmanE. L. Ekman H7478
01 Jan 1927
Haiti. Massif de la Hotte, western group, Torbec, top of Morne Formon.isotype11132300111323.jpg
Cestrum filipes Urb. & EkmanJ. L. Clark 14428 with Cinea, W.;.Henrys, I.; Sturla, M.; Eudia, S.R.,
12 Jan 2015
Haiti. Sud. Massif de la Hotte. Parc National Pic Macaya. Summit and saddle between Pic Formond and Pic Macaya.