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Displaying 81 - 100 out of 468 Object(s)
Taxon Collector Location Type Status Barcode
AphelandraJ. L. Clark 9593 with University of Alabama in Ecuador Program Participants,
17 May 2007
Ecuador. Napo. Yasuni Biosphere Reserve. Tiputini Biodiversity Station (owned by the Universidad San Francisco, Quito). Sendero Guacamayo.
AphelandraJ. L. Clark 10213 with University of Alabama in Ecuador Program Participants - 2008,
22 May 2008
Ecuador. Napo. Yasuni Biosphere Reserve. Tiputini Biodiversity Station (owned by the Universidad San Francisco, Quito). Sendero Maquisapa to Sendero Harpia.
Aphelandra chamissoniana NeesJ. M. Silva 103 with A. Carvalho,
24 Mar 1986
Brazil. Paraná. São José dos Pinhais Mun. Guaricana.48410000484100.jpg
Aphelandra longiflora (Lindl.) ProficeG. G. Hatschbach 21476
14 May 1969
Brazil. Paraná. Terra Boa Mun. Fda. Mururé. A bacia do Rio Paraná.88442400884424.jpg
Aphelandra scabra (Vahl) Sm. 2699191
Aphelandra longiflora (Lindl.) ProficeMelo 682 with Franca,
16 Apr 1992
Brazil. Distrito Federal. Brasília. rib. Contagem, DF-205.269926102699261.jpg
Aphelandra aurantiaca (Scheidw.) Lindl. 360132803601328.jpg
Aphelandra aurantiaca var. roezlii Van Houtte ex Ortgies 360132903601329.jpg
Aphelandra aurantiaca var. roezlii Van Houtte ex Ortgies 360133003601330.jpg
Aphelandra aurantiaca var. roezlii Van Houtte ex Ortgies 360133103601331.jpg
Aphelandra blanchetiana (Nees) Hook.f. 360133203601332.jpg
Aphelandra chamissoniana Nees 360133303601333.jpg
Aphelandra coccinea Rizzini 360133403601334.jpg
Aphelandra cristata (Jacq.) R.Br. ex W.T.Aiton 360133503601335.jpg
Aphelandra nitens Hook. 360133603601336.jpg
Aphelandra straminea LeonardR. Saraiva 1505 with L. de Lima,
14 Apr 1992
Brazil. Acre. Brasiléia Mun. Reserva Extrativista Chico Mendes, Seringal Porongaba, transecto 2.627206v-297-00627206.jpg
Aphelandra acrensis LindauL. Ferreira 148 with Lin Chau Ming,
09 Nov 1991
Brazil. Acre. Brasiléia Mun. Reserva Extrativista Chico Mendes, Seringal Dois Irmaos, varaçao entre colocaçaos Ja-Comeca e Belo Monte (Seringal Palmari), apos o rio Pau Seco.761894v-297-00761894.jpg
Aphelandra hylaea LeonardP. G. Delprete 8507 with E. C. Oliveira & E. Ferreira,
15 Apr 2002
Brazil. Acre. Feijó Mun. Basin of Rio Muru, village of Colombo, locality with frequent "tabocais" that died last year.
AphelandraF. A. Michelangeli 1353 with R. Goldenberg, P. Acevedo, F. Obermuller, E. de Oliveira, H. de Oliveira,
07 Feb 2009
Brazil. Acre. Jordão Mun. Trails and roads through mixed forest and pastures 2-3 km SE of Foz de Jordão.141426701414267.jpg
AphelandraP. Fiaschi 3345 with H. M. Oliveira, J. E. S. L. Cucker, M. R. S. Melo & E. F. Silva,
22 Aug 2008
Brazil. Acre. Mâncio Lima Mun. PARNA Serra do Divisor. Trilha para a Cachoeira Formosa.0187412701874127.jpg