Taxon Details: Cavendishia nitida (Kunth) A.C.Sm.
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Ericaceae (Magnoliophyta)
Scientific Name:

Cavendishia nitida (Kunth) A.C.Sm.
Primary Citation:

Phytologia 1: 131. 1935
Accepted Name:

This name is currently accepted.
Common Names:

uva camarona

Description: Terrestrial shrub 2-5 m tall with branches often vine-like or scrambling and base to 1 dm diam.; mature branches coarsely and bluntly angled, glabrous; twigs stout, coarsely angled, glabrous, minutely rugose. Leaves clustered at bases of new growth and there oblong or elliptic, the more distal leaves smaller and somewhat ovate-elliptic, (3-)6-14(-15) x (1.5-)3-5(-6) cm, basally rounded or rarely subcordate, apically rounded, glabrous, nitid; 5-plinerved from near base, midrib and lateral nerves impressed above and raised beneath, veinlets slightly raised above but obscure beneath; petioles subterete, flattened or broadly canaliculate adaxially, rugose, (3-)5-10 mm long and 1.5-4 mm diam., glabrous. Inflorescence nodding, 16-20-flowered; rachis coarsely subterete, bluntly angled, thickened at each node, (2.8-)3.5-5 cm long and 6-7 mm diam, glabrous, proximal 1 cm to 1 cm diam. after anthesis and composed of overlapping inflorescence bract scars; floral bracts erect and appressed, at anthesis covering all but distal 1/4 of corolla, obovate, oblanceolate, or spatulate, 30-40 x 15-20 mm, red when fresh, apically rounded or broadly obtuse, glabrous or rarely ciliate, dorsally fimbriate or fimbriae lacking; pedicels subterete, coarsely rugose or ribbed when dry, glabrous, (7-)9-14 mm long and 1.5-2 mm diam.; bracteoles basal, or when aristate located along upper half of pedicel or at very base of calyx, oblong-lanceolate, or rarely linear then strongly revolute and appearing aristate, 2-6 x to 1 mm, marginally with stout broad fimbriae, these scattered proximally but dense distally where they often fuse into short oblong glands. Flowers: calyx glabrous, (6-)8-10 mm long; hypanthium cylindric, coarsely and conspicuously bluntly 10-ribbed, (3-)3.5-5 mm long, basally apophysate with apophysis 1 m long not flaring but directed straight back; limb erecto-patent, 3-6 mm long; lobes triangular, 1.5-2.5 mm long, connivent after anthesis, each margin provided with a thin oblong supramarginal gland 0.7-1 mm long or this broken into 1-several smaller oblong glands; sinuses rounded; corolla cylindric slightly broadened medially, 20-28 mm long and ca. 9 mm diam, lower 3/4 red and upper 1/4 white when fresh, lobes oblong-triangular, 1.5-3 mm long, white when fresh; stamens 21-22 mm long (from flowers with corollas 27-28 mm long); filaments densely pilose medially on ventral surface, alternately ca. 5 mm and 8 mm long; anthers alternately 18-18.5 mm and 15-16 mm long; thecae 7-9 mm long; style subequal to corolla. Berry to 15 mm diam.

Distribution: Endemic to Colombia, in the Cordillera Oriental of Cundinamarca Dept. (around Bogotá) and in the Cordillera Central of Quindío, Tolima, and Antioquia Depts., in open thickets, wet disturbed forest, or paramillo brush, at elevations of (1375-)2000-3000(-3500) m. Collected in flower in nearly every month, especially August-February, and in fruit sporadically throughout year. This species is threatened by human disturbance factors.

Local name: uva camarona (Cundinamarca).

Uses: The berry is edible and sold in markets in Bogotá (Duque-Jaramillo 3446).

Type: Colombia. Tolima: Between Quebrada de Tochecito and La Ceja, 2700 m, Humboldt & Bonpland s.n. (lectotype: P, photo NY).

Flora and Monograph Treatment(s):

Cavendishia nitida (Kunth) A.C.Sm.: [Article] Luteyn, James L. 1983. Ericaceae--part I. Cavendishia. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 35: 1-290.