Filed As:
Aphelandra longiflora (Lindl.) Profice
Aphelandra longiflora (Lindl.) Profice
All Determinations:
Aphelandra longiflora (Lindl.) Profice det. S. R. Profíce
Geissomeria pubescens Nees det. D. C. Wasshausen, 1965
Aphelandra longiflora (Lindl.) Profice det. S. R. Profíce
Geissomeria pubescens Nees det. D. C. Wasshausen, 1965
Brazil. São Paulo. Mairiporã Mun. Eastern boundary [of municipio]. 18 km north along road from Rio-São Paulo highway towards Nazare Paulista. 4.3 km S of village of Tapera Grande. Near southwest end of Serra do Itaberaba (or Itaberá). Alt. 800 - 1000 m. (2625 - 3281 ft.)
Brazil. São Paulo. Mairiporã Mun. Eastern boundary [of municipio]. 18 km north along road from Rio-São Paulo highway towards Nazare Paulista. 4.3 km S of village of Tapera Grande. Near southwest end of Serra do Itaberaba (or Itaberá). Alt. 800 - 1000 m. (2625 - 3281 ft.)
Fls. scarlet with yellow tips, 4 cm long, mouth 1 cm wide. Phenology of specimen: Flower.
Fls. scarlet with yellow tips, 4 cm long, mouth 1 cm wide. Phenology of specimen: Flower.
In heavy vegetation of roadside. In black leaf mold in shade of trees.
In heavy vegetation of roadside. In black leaf mold in shade of trees.
NY Barcode: 884428
GUID: ac624bb2-a197-423d-96b4-5909ec3fe69e
NY Barcode: 884428
GUID: ac624bb2-a197-423d-96b4-5909ec3fe69e