Filed As:

Solanum radicans L.f.
All Determinations:

Solanum radicans L.f.
Note: ! M. Nee, 1989


Peru. Apurímac. Vicinity of Acobamba, in flood plain and on the bottom of the deep valley of the Río Chalhuanca, 5 km NW of Chalhuanca.

H. H. Iltis 594 with C. M. Iltis, D. Ugent, V. Ugent, 17 Dec 1962

[Data from an additional label associated with the sheet:] Sprawling weakstemmed herbaceous weed to 1 dm diam and 3 dm tall. Fls dark lilac, with margin white. Berries orange. Phenology of specimen: Flower , Fertile.

Weeds in fields and on hedgerows. [Data from an additional label associated with the sheet:] In fields and especially on gravelly erosive slope, where dominant!. [Data from an additional label associated with the sheet:] Very common as a weed.

NY Barcode: 726272
GUID: 3e531a05-29c9-4707-a5fc-dbd18d02db9b

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