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Psammisia guianensis Klotzsch
Psammisia guianensis Klotzsch
Venezuela. Bolívar. Mount Roraima, forested SW-facing quebrada near Rondón Camp. Alt. 2040 m. (6693 ft.)
Venezuela. Bolívar. Mount Roraima, forested SW-facing quebrada near Rondón Camp. Alt. 2040 m. (6693 ft.)
shrubby 5-8 ft tall. leaves coriaceous, rich green above, pale green below; pedicel & calyx dark red. Phenology of specimen: Flower.
shrubby 5-8 ft tall. leaves coriaceous, rich green above, pale green below; pedicel & calyx dark red. Phenology of specimen: Flower.
Collection Notes: corolla in part below constricted portion red, above this pale greenish white
Specimen Notes: GH
Collection Notes: corolla in part below constricted portion red, above this pale greenish white
Specimen Notes: GH
GUID: 5a8635c6-4c11-472a-b4dc-65bf65415d11
GUID: 5a8635c6-4c11-472a-b4dc-65bf65415d11