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Psammisia guianensis Klotzsch
Psammisia guianensis Klotzsch
Peru. Ucayali. Coronel Portillo Prov. [Loreto] Dtto. Padre Abad, Río Chino al W del restaurant Acapulco. Alt. 1000 - 1100 m. (3281 - 3609 ft.)
Peru. Ucayali. Coronel Portillo Prov. [Loreto] Dtto. Padre Abad, Río Chino al W del restaurant Acapulco. Alt. 1000 - 1100 m. (3281 - 3609 ft.)
trepadora de 6-7 m. frutos inmaduros de color verde amarillento, 11 mm de largo x 11 mm diam. carnosos. Phenology of specimen: Fruit.
trepadora de 6-7 m. frutos inmaduros de color verde amarillento, 11 mm de largo x 11 mm diam. carnosos. Phenology of specimen: Fruit.
bosque alto con mucha húmedad.
bosque alto con mucha húmedad.
Specimen Notes: F, MO, NY (3 sheets)
Specimen Notes: F, MO, NY (3 sheets)
GUID: 62d88ecf-e704-4f06-95c9-e9e6565894bc
GUID: 62d88ecf-e704-4f06-95c9-e9e6565894bc
Georeferencing Method: Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012 (Unable to locate restaurant. Located coord. at elev. 1050 m nearest to the geogr. midpt of R. Chino. Measured from coordinates to elev. 1000 m near the river to find the linear extent (2940 m). Input into MaNIS Georef. Calc. = uncert.)
Coordinate Uncertainty(m): 2946.57
Geodetic Datum: WGS84
Coordinates: (-8.96874, -75.6969)
Georeferencing Method: Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012 (Unable to locate restaurant. Located coord. at elev. 1050 m nearest to the geogr. midpt of R. Chino. Measured from coordinates to elev. 1000 m near the river to find the linear extent (2940 m). Input into MaNIS Georef. Calc. = uncert.)
Coordinate Uncertainty(m): 2946.57
Geodetic Datum: WGS84
Coordinates: (-8.96874, -75.6969)