Filed As:

Souroubea guianensis Aubl.
All Determinations:

Souroubea guianensis Aubl.


Brazil. Pará. Oriximiná Mun. Rio Cachorro, próximo ao barracão do Ponto da Serra, 12 km NW de Cachoeira Porteira. Alt. 80 m. (262 ft.)

G. Martinelli 7061 with , 22 Jun 1980

NY Barcode: 2206547
GUID: 36072cf9-8406-4eea-9ee3-1786c8785ee3

Georeferencing Method: Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012 (Georeferenced to the geographic center of Serra do Cachorro (synonymous with Ponto da Serra), which is along Rio Cachorro in Oriximiná, Pará. Using Google Maps - Terrain View and Satellite View, located Serra do Cachorro. Used Canadensys Lat/Long Crosshairs to find the coordinates of the approximate geographic center of the plateau of the mountain. Used Distance Measurement Tool (Google Maps) to find linear extent by measuring from the selected coordinates to the farthest extent of the mountain. Used linear extent as the uncertainty radius. Serra do Cachorro is approximately 12 km. northwest of Cachoeira Porteira, agreeing with the locality description.)
Coordinate Uncertainty(m): 1038.37
Geodetic Datum: WGS84
Coordinates: (-1.00387, -57.1288)


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