Filed As:
Bactris acanthocarpa var. intermedia A.J.Hend.
Bactris acanthocarpa var. intermedia A.J.Hend.
Brazil. Tocantins. River basin, near Remansão. Understory palm in terra firme forest on plateau.
Brazil. Tocantins. River basin, near Remansão. Understory palm in terra firme forest on plateau.
In clumps of 2-3 axes, often solitary. Stem um to 1 m long, 7 cm in diam. Leaf 2.5 m long, 36 pairs of pinnae, oriented in several directions, more or less regularly disposed in one plane at the extremity of the rachis. Bract spindle-like, 18.
In clumps of 2-3 axes, often solitary. Stem um to 1 m long, 7 cm in diam. Leaf 2.5 m long, 36 pairs of pinnae, oriented in several directions, more or less regularly disposed in one plane at the extremity of the rachis. Bract spindle-like, 18.
GUID: c84d786f-184f-4e02-bdd3-d14842f70b48
GUID: c84d786f-184f-4e02-bdd3-d14842f70b48