Filed As:
Disterigma microphyllum (G.Don) Luteyn
Disterigma microphyllum (G.Don) Luteyn
Ecuador. Carchi. Cantón Huaca, Estación Biológica Guandera, Fralejón Trail. Alt. 3600 - 3700 m. (11811 - 12139 ft.)
Ecuador. Carchi. Cantón Huaca, Estación Biológica Guandera, Fralejón Trail. Alt. 3600 - 3700 m. (11811 - 12139 ft.)
Shrub to 1 m tall. Corolla campanulate, pale yellow-green, but heavily suffused with dull rose. Berry white. Corollas at lower elevations--3200-3400 m--yellow-green. Scattered. [Pickled].
Shrub to 1 m tall. Corolla campanulate, pale yellow-green, but heavily suffused with dull rose. Berry white. Corollas at lower elevations--3200-3400 m--yellow-green. Scattered. [Pickled].
In páramo, dominated by Espeletia pychnophylla. Scattered.
In páramo, dominated by Espeletia pychnophylla. Scattered.
NY Barcode: 298803
GUID: b3003c9e-77c2-4e88-8249-bbc307c7a6ec
NY Barcode: 298803
GUID: b3003c9e-77c2-4e88-8249-bbc307c7a6ec
Related Objects:
Pending, J. L. Luteyn 15332, Disterigma acuminatum (Kunth) Nied., Ericaceae (261.0), Magnoliophyta; South America, Ecuador, Carchi
Pending, J. L. Luteyn 15332, Disterigma acuminatum (Kunth) Nied., Ericaceae (261.0), Magnoliophyta; South America, Ecuador, Carchi
Coordinates: (0.63, -77.72)
Coordinates: (0.63, -77.72)