Monographs Details:

Britton, Nathaniel L. & Millspaugh, Charles F. 1920. The Bahama Flora.

Scientific Name:

Justicia L.

Description - Herbs, or shrubs, with entire leaves, the flowers variously clustered. Calyx deeply cleft, its segments narrow, nearly equal. Corolla-tube mostly shorter than the 2-lipped limb, the upper lip 2-cleft. the lower 3-cleft. Stamens 2, borne in the throat of the corolla; anthers 2-eelled; staminodes none; lower anther-sac minutely appendaged. Style filiform; ovules 2 in each ovary cavity. Capsule oblong. [In honor of James Justice, a Scotch gardener.] Over 100 species, of tropical distribution. Type species: Justicia Adhatoda L.