Monographs Details:

Leonard, Emery C. 1953. The Acanthaceae of Colombia, II. Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 31: i-viii, 119-322.


Latin Diagnosis - Frutex, caulibus sursum strigosis; lamina foliorum obovata, apice abrupte acuminata, basi angustata, leviter sinuato-dentata vel integra, supra glabra vel parce strigosa, subtus dense strigosa, costa et venis lateralibus prominentibus; spica terminalis, subsessilis, oblongo-ovatis, bracteis imbricatis, rhache strigosa; bracteae oblongo-ellipticae, acutae vel subobtusae, apiculatae, tenues, virides, pergamentaceae, glabrae, costa pubescente excepta; bracteolae lanceolatae, glabrae, tenues, venosae, apice spina parva, terminatae; calycis segments lanceolata, apice acuta vel acuminata, substriata; corolla subgilva, fauce flava, fragrans, pubescens, labiis aliquanto brevibus, subaequalibus, labio superiore erecto, bilobato, lobis ovatis, rotundatis, apiculatis, labio inferiore trilobato, lobis ovalibus vel suborbicularibus, obtusis; ovarium glabrum.

Description - Shrubs 1 to 2 meters high, up to 5 cm. in diameter at base, the branches upwardly strigose; leaf blades obovate, up to 25 cm. long and 12 cm. wide, abruptly acuminate at tip, narrowed at base to a short petiole 5 mm. long, shallowly sinuate-dentate or entire, glabrous above or sparingly strigose, the lower surface densely strigose, the hairs about 1 mm. long, the costa and the lateral veins (6 to 12 pairs) rather prominent, more so than above; flowers borne in a subsessile terminal oblong-ovate spike about 7 cm. long and 3.5 cm. in diameter, the rachis sparingly strigose; bracts imbricate, oblong-elliptic, 3.5 cm. long, 17 or 18 mm. wide (the uppermost smaller), acute or obtusish (tipped by a point 0.5 mm. long), thin, green, coarsely reticulate (the meshes open), pergamentaceous, glabrous except the costa, this sometimes sparingly pubescent; bractlets lanceolate, 2 cm. long, 5 mm. wide, glabrous, thin, veiny, each ending in a minute spine; calyx pale green, conical, the segments lanceolate, the posterior one about 154 mm. long and 3.5 mm. wide, the anterior pair slightly shorter and more narrowed, the lateral pair 13 mm. long and 3.5 mm. wide, all acute or acuminate and substriate; corolla pubescent without, about 3 cm, long, very fragrant, creamish, the throat yellow, the lobes ovate to suborbicular, about 8 mm. long; ovary glabrous; capsule not seen.


Aphelandra boyacensis has the general appearance of A. prismatica Nees of Brazil but can be separated by its larger and relatively wider leaf blades, these densely strigose beneath instead of practically glabrous, and by its shorter and broader spike. The corollas of A. prismatica have a more slender tube than do those of this new species and are yellow instead of cream and yellow. Named for the Department from whence the type was procured. Only a fragmentary corolla could be found for examination on the type specimen, this consisting practically of lobes only.