Monographs Details:

Schweinfurth, Charles. 1967. Orchidaceae of the Guayana Highland. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 14: 69-214.


Distribution and Ecology - BRAZIL. Amazonas: Cerro Dimiti, upper Rio Negro basin, Rio Dimití, epiphyte, flowers yellow throughout. May 12-19, 1948, R. E. Schultes & F. Lopez 9951. VENEZUELA. Amazonas: Rio Guainia, near La Ceiba, Caño San Miguel, 2 km above Limoncito, 120-140 m alt., forest epiphyte on tree trunk, October 14, 1957, B. Maguire, J. J. Wurdack & W. M. Keith 41906; Mavaca, Upper Orinoco (G. Bergold), G. C. K. Dunsterville 804. The type was from BRAZIL.


Brazil South America| Venezuela South America|