Monographs Details:

Mori, S. A., et al. 1997. Guide to the vascular plants of central French Guiana: Part 1. Pteridophytes, gymnosperms, and monocotyledons. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76: 1-422.

Scientific Name:


Genus Description - Caespitose or repent terrestrials and epiphytes, without pseudobulbs. Leaves 1 per short, secondary stem, coriaceous, spathulate. Inflorescences solitary flowers on scapes or few-flowered racemes. Flowers: sepals forming tube, connate to middle or beyond, often with long tails; petals much smaller than sepals; lip small, articulated to column foot, subequal to column; column erect, the clinandrium usually membranous and denticulate; pollinia 2, waxy.