Monographs Details:

Mickel, John T. & Smith, Alan R. 2004. The pteridophytes of Mexico. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 88: 1-1054.


Species Description - Stems prostrate, 0.5–0.6 mm diam., not articulate, not flagelliform, not stoloniferous, not much branched, not strongly dorsiventral, branches thin, sparse, 5–10 mm apart, ultimate branches short, 3–10 mm long; rhizophores borne throughout stem length; leaves of one kind (isophyllous) throughout stem length, blue- to gray-green, slightly spreading (the leaf bases and stems often visible), linear-lanceolate, margins ciliatedenticulate, apices aristate, aristae white, 0.5–0.8 mm long; strobili quadrangular, 2–3 mm long, obscure; sporophylls monomorphic; megasporangia at base of strobili; microsporangia distal to megasporangia; megaspores yellow to yellow-orange, lowreticulate; microspores orange.


Bryodesma sellowii (Hieron.) Soja´k, Preslia 64: 155. 1992. Lectotype (chosen by R. Tryon, 1955: 34). Brazil. Praia de San Diego, 1821, Sellow s.n. (B, frag. NY!).

Selaginella pauciciliata Hieron., Hedwigia 58: 284. 1916. Type. Cuba. Holgui ´n: Mayari, Wright 20 [1820, fide R. Tryon 1955: 34] (B; frag. NY!).

Unverified, Doubtful, or Mistaken Reports. DF (Rose & Painter 6835, US, cited by R. Tryon, 1955, but not verified). Ver (Liebmann 2062, US, cited by R. Tryon, 1955, but not verified). Selaginella sellowii is distinguished from S. wrightii and S. landii by its glabrous leaf bases and long white awns, and from S. sartorii by the less imbricate, non-ciliate leaves.


Mexico North America| Uruguay South America| Argentina South America| Paraguay South America| Bolivia South America| Brazil South America| Peru South America| Ecuador South America| Venezuela South America| Colombia South America| Cuba South America|