Monographs Details:

Mickel, John T. & Beitel, Joseph M. 1988. Pteridophyte Flora of Oaxaca, Mexico. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 46: 1-580.


Species Description - Rhizome short-creeping; fronds mostly 85-125(-200) cm long, 1-pinnate with a ± conform terminal segment; pinnae 8-12(-20) pairs, ± equal in size, the lower long-stalked (to 1-3 cm), often curved, 15-32(-40) cm long, (1.8-)2-4(-5) cm wide, widest in the middle, tapering on both sides to an acuminate apex and a cuneate base, margin entire to undulate; lateral veins of fertile pinnae ca. 8-12 per 3 cm, the veins meniscioid, forming 6-12(-17) series of areoles that are about as long as broad between costa and pinna margin, the secondary veins ± straight and uniting at an obtuse angle, an excurrent vein often dividing areole into two subequal rhomboid halves; costae above and below sparsely hairy (hairs 0.2-0.3 mm long) to glabrescent, the veins and leaf tissue on both sides glabrous or glabrescent; sori arcuate, in a single row between costules at confluence of secondary veins.


Meniscium falcatum Liebmann, Mexic. bregn. 183 (seors. 31). 1849. Dryopteris falcata (Liebmann) Christensen, Kongel. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr., Naturvidensk. Afd. VII, 10: 270. 1913. Lectotype (chosen by A. R. Smith, 1981:234). Mexico. Oaxaca: Dist. Chinantla, Liebmann [Pl. Mex. 2756, Fl. Mex. 680] (C!; isolectotypes C!, K!, US!). Meniscium jurgensenii Fée, Mém. foug. 5: 223. 1852. Dryopteris jurgensenii (Fée) Maxon & Morton, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 65: 360. 1938. Type. Mexico. Jürgensen 917 (not found at P). Complete synonymy cited in A. R. Smith (1983). This differs from T. serrata by the entire or slightly undulate pinna margins, long-cuneate pinna bases, terminal pinnae nearly as large as the medial ones, and glabrous or glabrescent costae below. From T. reticulata it differs in the areoles being about as broad as long, straight secondary veins, and long-cuneate pinna bases.

Mexico North America| Bolivia South America| Colombia South America| Cuba South America| Panama Central America| Guatemala Central America|