Monographs Details:
Labiak Evangelista, Paulo H. 2013. Grammitid ferns (Polypodiaceae). I.. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 111: 1--130. (Published by NYBG Press)
Labiak Evangelista, Paulo H. 2013. Grammitid ferns (Polypodiaceae). I.
Latin Diagnosis - Lellingeria paramicola a L. majore similis, sed caulis squamis ovali-lanceolatis, lamina ad basin abrupte reducta, diversis segmentis auriculiformibus secundum petiolum differt.
Species Description - Plants epipetric; fronds erect to slightly arcuate determinate; rhizome short-creeping, dorsiventral, with ventral root insertion, scaly, the scales 4-7 x 0 8-1 mm lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, the apex short-attenuate clathrate, castaneous, ciliate, the cilia simple, present on scale margins, surface, and apex (apical cilia some times furcate); petiole 3-5 cm x 1-1.2 mm dark brown, terete, slightly pubescent, the hairs 0.1-0.2 mm long, spreading, simple or 1-furcate, 2- to 3-celled whitish to reddish; lamina to 30(-40) cm long, lanceolate, subcoriaceous, deeply pinnatisect, 25-40 pairs of segments, abruptly reduced at the base with 7-12 basal segments shorter than the median ones, auriculiform, broadest in the upper 1/3, not showing periodic constrictions, the apex abruptly reduced, pinnatifid or ending in a subconform segment; rachis straight' with dark sclerenchyma visible on both sides, sparsely pubescent to glabrous abaxially, the hairs 0.1 mm long, appressed, simple, 2-celled, whitish to dark brown, moderately pubescent adaxially, the hairs 0.1-0.2 mm long, spreading, simple, 1- to 2-celled, castaneous to reddish; segments ca. 1-2 x 0.2-0.3 cm, plane, set 70-80° to rachis, widened and symmetric at the base, short-decurrent on both sides, sometimes slightly cuneate acroscopically, the base attached parallel on the rachis (i.e., both sides inserted along the same radius), not lobulate or, if slightly lobulate, not overlapping the base of the next segment, the apex obtuse, the margin entire, plane to slightly revolute, abaxial lamina surface sparsely pubescent, the hairs similar to those of the rachis abaxially, adaxial lamina surface glabrous; sinuses narrower than or as broad as the segments; venation pinnate, with 3-10 pairs of veins per segment; costae with blackish sclerenchyma obscured by laminar tissue on both sides, glabrous or sparsely pubescent, the hairs similar to those of the rachis abaxially; veins simple, with blackish sclerenchyma restricted to base and obscured by laminar tissue, ending in hydathodes that lack calcareous deposits; sori medial, rounded, not protruding beyond the margin, up to 8 pairs per segment, superficial; sporangial capsules glabrous.
Latin Diagnosis - Lellingeria paramicola a L. majore similis, sed caulis squamis ovali-lanceolatis, lamina ad basin abrupte reducta, diversis segmentis auriculiformibus secundum petiolum differt.
Species Description - Plants epipetric; fronds erect to slightly arcuate determinate; rhizome short-creeping, dorsiventral, with ventral root insertion, scaly, the scales 4-7 x 0 8-1 mm lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, the apex short-attenuate clathrate, castaneous, ciliate, the cilia simple, present on scale margins, surface, and apex (apical cilia some times furcate); petiole 3-5 cm x 1-1.2 mm dark brown, terete, slightly pubescent, the hairs 0.1-0.2 mm long, spreading, simple or 1-furcate, 2- to 3-celled whitish to reddish; lamina to 30(-40) cm long, lanceolate, subcoriaceous, deeply pinnatisect, 25-40 pairs of segments, abruptly reduced at the base with 7-12 basal segments shorter than the median ones, auriculiform, broadest in the upper 1/3, not showing periodic constrictions, the apex abruptly reduced, pinnatifid or ending in a subconform segment; rachis straight' with dark sclerenchyma visible on both sides, sparsely pubescent to glabrous abaxially, the hairs 0.1 mm long, appressed, simple, 2-celled, whitish to dark brown, moderately pubescent adaxially, the hairs 0.1-0.2 mm long, spreading, simple, 1- to 2-celled, castaneous to reddish; segments ca. 1-2 x 0.2-0.3 cm, plane, set 70-80° to rachis, widened and symmetric at the base, short-decurrent on both sides, sometimes slightly cuneate acroscopically, the base attached parallel on the rachis (i.e., both sides inserted along the same radius), not lobulate or, if slightly lobulate, not overlapping the base of the next segment, the apex obtuse, the margin entire, plane to slightly revolute, abaxial lamina surface sparsely pubescent, the hairs similar to those of the rachis abaxially, adaxial lamina surface glabrous; sinuses narrower than or as broad as the segments; venation pinnate, with 3-10 pairs of veins per segment; costae with blackish sclerenchyma obscured by laminar tissue on both sides, glabrous or sparsely pubescent, the hairs similar to those of the rachis abaxially; veins simple, with blackish sclerenchyma restricted to base and obscured by laminar tissue, ending in hydathodes that lack calcareous deposits; sori medial, rounded, not protruding beyond the margin, up to 8 pairs per segment, superficial; sporangial capsules glabrous.
Lellingeria paramicola is closely related to L. major but can be distinguished by its broader, ovate-lanceolate, rhizome scales and laminae abruptly reduced at the base with several (7-12) reduced and auriculiform segments. On the other hand, L. major has linear-lanceolate rhizome scales with marginal cilia that are longer than the width of the scales and laminae gradually reduced onto the petiole base.This species is restricted to the paramos of Colombia and Ecuador, and, together with Lellingeria ciliolepis, L. itatimensis, L. militaris, L. tamandarei, and L. tunguraguae, it is one of the few species of the genus that grows epipetrically. It is usually associated with dense populations of bryophytes and lichens, and the long petiole with several auriculate segments might be an adaptation to this kind of habitat. This species occurs at a higher elevation (above 4000 m) than any other species of Lellingeria.Lellingeria tunguraguae was described from the same locality and resembles L. paramicola in its sub- coriaceous blade and reduced length of the segments. It is distinct, however, in having linear-lanceolate laminae and linear-lanceolate rhizome scales that have very long, attenuate apices. Additionally, L. paramicola apparently does not occur above 3000 m elevation.The species is named after the habitat where it is found, the paramo.
Lellingeria paramicola is closely related to L. major but can be distinguished by its broader, ovate-lanceolate, rhizome scales and laminae abruptly reduced at the base with several (7-12) reduced and auriculiform segments. On the other hand, L. major has linear-lanceolate rhizome scales with marginal cilia that are longer than the width of the scales and laminae gradually reduced onto the petiole base.This species is restricted to the paramos of Colombia and Ecuador, and, together with Lellingeria ciliolepis, L. itatimensis, L. militaris, L. tamandarei, and L. tunguraguae, it is one of the few species of the genus that grows epipetrically. It is usually associated with dense populations of bryophytes and lichens, and the long petiole with several auriculate segments might be an adaptation to this kind of habitat. This species occurs at a higher elevation (above 4000 m) than any other species of Lellingeria.Lellingeria tunguraguae was described from the same locality and resembles L. paramicola in its sub- coriaceous blade and reduced length of the segments. It is distinct, however, in having linear-lanceolate laminae and linear-lanceolate rhizome scales that have very long, attenuate apices. Additionally, L. paramicola apparently does not occur above 3000 m elevation.The species is named after the habitat where it is found, the paramo.
Azuay Ecuador South America| Carchi Ecuador South America| Chimborazo Ecuador South America| Loja Ecuador South America| Morona-Santiago Ecuador South America| Napo Ecuador South America| Tungurahua Ecuador South America| Huila Colombia South America|
Azuay Ecuador South America| Carchi Ecuador South America| Chimborazo Ecuador South America| Loja Ecuador South America| Morona-Santiago Ecuador South America| Napo Ecuador South America| Tungurahua Ecuador South America| Huila Colombia South America|