Monographs Details:
Fryxell, Paul A. 1999. Cavanilles (Malvaceae). Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 76: 1-284. (Published by NYBG Press)
Fryxell, Paul A. 1999.
Lass, Malache, Prestonia R.Br., Schouwia, Goethea, Lebretonia, Lopimia, Brehmia, Typhalea (DC.) C.Presl, Asterochlaena, Greevesia, Diplopenta, Luederitzia, Pseudopavonia, Blanchetiastrum, Codonochlamys, Triplochlamys, Cancellaria, Marconia, Pteropavonia, Typhalea (DC.) C.Presl
Lass, Malache, Prestonia R.Br., Schouwia, Goethea, Lebretonia, Lopimia, Brehmia, Typhalea (DC.) C.Presl, Asterochlaena, Greevesia, Diplopenta, Luederitzia, Pseudopavonia, Blanchetiastrum, Codonochlamys, Triplochlamys, Cancellaria, Marconia, Pteropavonia, Typhalea (DC.) C.Presl
Genus Description - Prostrate perennial herbs, erect subshrubs, shrubs, or small trees, often stellate-pubescent, sometimes with glandular hairs, long simple hairs, scales, or other pubescence in various combinations, sometimes glabrous or glabrescent. Leaves alternate, usually petiolate, sometimes subsessile, distichous or spirally disposed, the blades ovate, elliptic, lanceolate, oblanceolate, deltoid, or reniform, sometimes lobed (hastately, sagittately, or palmately), sometimes asymmetrical, dentate or crenate, less often entire; stipules filiform, subulate, lanceolate, falcate, or spatulate, erect or reflexed. Flowers solitary or paired in the leaf axils or variously disposed in cymes, racemes, panicles, or heads; involucel whorled at the base of the calyx, the bracts 4-24, broadly foliaceous, ligulate, oblanceolate, spatulate, or filiform, persistent, sometimes colored (pink or red), usually distinct, sometimes basally connate or gamophyllous, sometimes seemingly 2 seriate (alternately erect and reflexed) in subgen. Goetheoides; calyx gamosepalous, campanulate or tubular, shallowly to deeply 5-lobed, persistent (except deciduous in P. piptocalyx); corolla rotate, campanulate, or cylindric, white, yellow, rose, lavender, red, or purple, with or without a dark center, the petals 5, usually broadly obovate, sometimes narrowly ligulate, the claw pubescent or glabrous; androecium monadelphous, included or exserted, sometimes declined with secund anthers, surmounted by a crown of 5 apical teeth; styles 10, exceeding the androecium, more or less free distally, the 10 stigmas capitate. Fruits schizocarpic, pubescent or glabrous; mericarps 5, septicidally dehiscent, usually not loculicidally dehiscent (except in subgen. Asterochlamys), chartaceous or ligneous, sometimes winged, spined, rugose, carinate, or otherwise ornamented, or sometimes unornamented. Seeds solitary, glabrous or slightly pubescent.
Genus Description - Prostrate perennial herbs, erect subshrubs, shrubs, or small trees, often stellate-pubescent, sometimes with glandular hairs, long simple hairs, scales, or other pubescence in various combinations, sometimes glabrous or glabrescent. Leaves alternate, usually petiolate, sometimes subsessile, distichous or spirally disposed, the blades ovate, elliptic, lanceolate, oblanceolate, deltoid, or reniform, sometimes lobed (hastately, sagittately, or palmately), sometimes asymmetrical, dentate or crenate, less often entire; stipules filiform, subulate, lanceolate, falcate, or spatulate, erect or reflexed. Flowers solitary or paired in the leaf axils or variously disposed in cymes, racemes, panicles, or heads; involucel whorled at the base of the calyx, the bracts 4-24, broadly foliaceous, ligulate, oblanceolate, spatulate, or filiform, persistent, sometimes colored (pink or red), usually distinct, sometimes basally connate or gamophyllous, sometimes seemingly 2 seriate (alternately erect and reflexed) in subgen. Goetheoides; calyx gamosepalous, campanulate or tubular, shallowly to deeply 5-lobed, persistent (except deciduous in P. piptocalyx); corolla rotate, campanulate, or cylindric, white, yellow, rose, lavender, red, or purple, with or without a dark center, the petals 5, usually broadly obovate, sometimes narrowly ligulate, the claw pubescent or glabrous; androecium monadelphous, included or exserted, sometimes declined with secund anthers, surmounted by a crown of 5 apical teeth; styles 10, exceeding the androecium, more or less free distally, the 10 stigmas capitate. Fruits schizocarpic, pubescent or glabrous; mericarps 5, septicidally dehiscent, usually not loculicidally dehiscent (except in subgen. Asterochlamys), chartaceous or ligneous, sometimes winged, spined, rugose, carinate, or otherwise ornamented, or sometimes unornamented. Seeds solitary, glabrous or slightly pubescent.