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Displaying 1 - 19 out of 19 Object(s)
Taxon Collector Location Type Status Barcode
Drymonia brochidodroma WiehlerJ. L. Clark 13524 with Clavijo, L.; Marín, O.; García, H.,
15 May 2013
Colombia. Nariño. Barbacoas Mun. Corregimiento: Altaquer. Vereda: El Barro. Reserva Natural Río Ñambí. Western slopes of the Cordillera Occidental. Sendero La Paila.
Drymonia brochidodroma WiehlerJ. L. Clark 13556 with Clavijo, L.; Marín, O.; García, H.; Flores, M.,
16 May 2013
Colombia. Nariño. Barbacoas Mun. Corregimiento: Altaquer. Vereda: El Barro. Reserva Natural Río Ñambí. Western slopes of the Cordillera Occidental. Forest between house and Río Peje.
Drymonia brochidodroma WiehlerJ. L. Clark 13613 with Clavijo, L.; Marín, O.; García, H.,
17 May 2013
Colombia. Nariño. Barbacoas Mun. Corregimiento: Junín. Vereda: Gualte. Small patch of forest along Hwy Junín - Barbacoas (3-5 KM north of Junín). Western slopes of the Cordillera Occidental.
Drymonia brochidodroma WiehlerJ. L. Clark 7360 with Hall, R.; Nicolalde, F.,
17 Mar 2003
Ecuador. Imbabura. Cotacachi (Canton). Parroquia: García Moreno. Cordillera de Toisán. Cerro de la Plata. Bosque Protector Los Cedros. Main trail from the comunidad El Chontal to Los Cedros.
Drymonia brochidodroma WiehlerJ. L. Clark 7505 with Hall, R.; Nicolalde, F.,
24 Mar 2003
Ecuador. Imbabura. Ibarra (Canton). Parroquia: Lita. Comunidad San Francisco; next to Río Verde (13 air-km south of Lita).
Drymonia brochidodroma WiehlerJ. L. Clark 12280 with 2011 Gesneriad Research Expedition Participants,
28 May 2011
Ecuador. El Oro. Piñas (Canton). Parroquia: Moromoro. Reserva Biologica Buenaventura (Fundación de Conservación Jocotoco). Bosque Moscoso, Quebrada Obscura, remnant patch of isolated forest on east side of highway Buenaventura-Moromo.
Drymonia brochidodroma WiehlerJ. L. Clark 7952 with Mailloux, M.; Seger, S.,
12 May 2003
Ecuador. El Oro. Piñas (Canton). Parroquia: Moromoro. Reserva Biologica Buenaventura. Remnant patch of forest south of "Entrada la Virgin".
Drymonia brochidodroma WiehlerJ. L. Clark 812 with Watt, C.,
09 May 1995
Ecuador. Esmeraldas. Quinindé (Canton). The Mache-Chindul Ecological Reserve. Bilsa Biological Station. Mache Mountains, 35 km W of Quinindé, 5 km W of Santa Isabel. Property of Sr. Ríos, S of Station.
Drymonia brochidodroma WiehlerJ. L. Clark 1614 with Cunningham, K.; Roberts, C.,
21 Nov 1995
Ecuador. Esmeraldas. Quinindé (Canton). The Mache-Chindul Ecological Reserve. Bilsa Biological Station. Mache Mountains, 35 km W of Quinindé, 5 km W of Santa Isabel. Collections made on Rompe Frente and Aguacatal trails from station to Dos Bocas.
Drymonia brochidodroma WiehlerJ. L. Clark 1633 with Cunningham, K.; Roberts, C.; Garces, J.; Castillo, R.,
22 Nov 1995
Ecuador. Esmeraldas. Quinindé (Canton). The Mache-Chindul Ecological Reserve. Bilsa Biological Station. Mache Mountains, 35 km W of Quinindé, 5 km W of Santa Isabel. Collections made on trail from station to Dos Bocas.
Drymonia brochidodroma WiehlerJ. L. Clark 1636 with Cunningham, K.; Roberts, C.; Garces, J.; Castillo, R.,
22 Nov 1995
Ecuador. Esmeraldas. Quinindé (Canton). The Mache-Chindul Ecological Reserve. Bilsa Biological Station. Mache Mountains, 35 km W of Quinindé, 5 km W of Santa Isabel. Collections made on trail from station to Dos Bocas.
Drymonia brochidodroma WiehlerJ. L. Clark 8819 with Fleiss, R.; Salinas, I.,
20 Aug 2003
Ecuador. Esmeraldas. Quinindé (Canton). Bilsa Biological Reserve. Reserva Ecológica Mache-Chindul, 35 km W of Quinindé. Sendero Rojo (= Sendero Rana Rojo).260931302609313.jpg
Drymonia brochidodroma WiehlerJ. L. Clark 9641 with University of Alabama in Ecuador Program Participants,
21 May 2007
Ecuador. Esmeraldas. Quinindé (Canton). Reserva Ecológica Mache-Chindul, 35 km W of Quinindé. The Bilsa Biological Station. Cordillera Mache-Chindul. Sendero Verde to Dos Bocas and then Sendero Mono to Station.
Drymonia brochidodroma WiehlerJ. L. Clark 7589 with Hall, R.,
27 Mar 2003
Ecuador. Esmeraldas. San Lorenzo (Canton). Parroquia: Alto Tambo. Finca Bufalito (Empresa Golden Land); 10-15 km NW of Lita.
Drymonia brochidodroma WiehlerJ. L. Clark 10913 with Herrera, P.,
25 May 2009
Ecuador. Pichincha. San Miguel de los Bancos (Canton). Mindo Loma Cloud Forest Reserve (finca de Hernan Herrera), km 73.5 via Calacali-La Independencia (3 km past the entrance to the village of Mindo). Sendero Cascada.
Drymonia brochidodroma WiehlerJ. L. Clark 9778
27 May 2007
Ecuador. Pichincha. San Miguel de los Bancos (Canton). Mindo Loma Cloud Forest Reserve, km 73.5 via Calacali-La Independencia (3 km past the entrance to the village of Mindo).
Drymonia brochidodroma WiehlerJ. L. Clark 6123 with Muñoz, A.,
26 Jan 2001
Ecuador. Cotopaxi. Sigchos (Canton). Parroquia: San Francisco de las Pampas. Bosque Integral Otonga.
Drymonia brochidodroma WiehlerJ. L. Clark 6297 with Mejía, O.,
06 Dec 2001
Ecuador. Carchi. Tulcán (Canton). Parroquia: Chical. Collection made along path from the village of Quinyal towards an area known locally as "Gualpi" (near the border of the Reserva Awa).
Drymonia brochidodroma WiehlerJ. L. Clark 6354 with Mejía, O.; Díaz, E. (guide),
07 Dec 2001
Ecuador. Carchi. Tulcán (Canton). Parroquia: Chical. Collection made along path from the village of Chical towards an area known locally as "Crystal." Walked along Río Blanca via the Cordillera Gualchan (ca. 6-8 km SW of Chical).