Mecranium crassinerve: Botanical line drawing.
Mecranium crassinerve: Botanical line drawing.
W. B. Zomlefer
W. B. Zomlefer
Mecranium crassinerve: Botanical line drawing by W. Zomlefer from Skean, J. D., Jr. 1993. Monograph of Mecranium (Melastomataceae-Miconieae). Syst. Bot. Monogr. 39: fig. 23. CAPTION: (from Skean 1665 unless indicated otherwise). A. Habit. B. Nodal flange. C. Leaf, adaxial surface (Ekman H208). D. Young leaf, abaxial surface (Ekman H208). E. Flower bud. F. Flower. G. Young fruit.
Mecranium crassinerve: Botanical line drawing by W. Zomlefer from Skean, J. D., Jr. 1993. Monograph of Mecranium (Melastomataceae-Miconieae). Syst. Bot. Monogr. 39: fig. 23. CAPTION: (from Skean 1665 unless indicated otherwise). A. Habit. B. Nodal flange. C. Leaf, adaxial surface (Ekman H208). D. Young leaf, abaxial surface (Ekman H208). E. Flower bud. F. Flower. G. Young fruit.