Taxon Details: Cavendishia revoluta Luteyn
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Ericaceae (Magnoliophyta)
Scientific Name:

Cavendishia revoluta Luteyn
Primary Citation:

Brittonia 28: 44. 1976
Accepted Name:

This name is currently accepted.

Description: Terrestrial shrub, glabrous throughout; mature branches terete, striate, minutely rugose, brown to reddish-brown when dry; immature branches subterete, bluntly angled, striate, minutely rugose, light brown when dry. Leaves thickly coriaceous, lanceolate to lance-ovate, 11-16 x 5-9 cm, basally short-attentuate, somewhat decurrent, apically acute, somewhat cuspidate, the margins entire and tightly revolute, olive to light greenish-brown when dry; 5-7-plinerved, the midrib and the lateral nerves weakly impressed above, sometimes slightly elevated distally, the veinlets raised and conspicuous above, the nerves raised and conspicuous beneath, or with the veinlets sometimes obscure; petioles subterete sometimes flattened adaxially, rugose 4-10 mm long and 3-5.8 mm in diam., light olive-brown to reddish-brown. Inflorescence 9-15-flowered; rachis stout, bluntly and coarsely angled, white speckled, ribbed, rugose, 3-4 cm long and 4-5 mm in diam. at the base, cream-pink; floral bracts smooth, marginally glandular fimbriate, elliptic, concave, 14-20 x 11-12 mm, basally cuneate and truncate, apically rounded; pedicels becoming wider distally, striate, 3.5-7.5 mm long and 1.5-2.5 mm in diam.; bracteoles oblong, marginally glandular fimbriate, 2-3 x ca. 2 mm. Flowers with the calyx 9-11 mm long; hypanthium with short, stout, reddish glandular fimbriae when immature, cylindric to barrel-shaped, 4-5 mm long and 4.5-5.5 mm in diam., not basally apophysate; limb cylindric, smooth, 5-6.6 mm long including the lobes; lobes oblong to broadly triangular, marginally densely glandular-fimbriate when young, soon caducous, mature margins dark red, appearing thinner than the main body of the limb, 2-2.5 x 2.5-3 mm; sinuses acute; corolla immature; style persistent, 10-11 mm long. Mature berry not seen.

Distribution: Endemic to Panama (Coclé and Panamá Prov.), where it is only know from six collections.

Conservation Status: Rare and endangered.

Type: Panama. Panamá: Nr. top of Cerro Jefe, 900 m, 13 Sep 1970 (fr), Foster & Kennedy 1906 (holotype: DUKE, photo NY).

Flora and Monograph Treatment(s):

Cavendishia revoluta Luteyn: [Article] Luteyn, James L. 1983. Ericaceae--part I. Cavendishia. Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 35: 1-290.
Cavendishia revoluta Luteyn: [Article] Luteyn, James L. 1976. A revision of the Mexican Central American species of Cavendishia (Vacciniaceae). Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 28 (3): 1-138.