Displaying 1 - 8 out of 8 Object(s)

Person Herbarium Code Institution Location Research Pursuits
Tatjana V. Bagdasarova MW Moscow State University Russia. Moscow. Flora of European Russia
Sergey A. Balandin MW Moscow State University Russia. Moscow. Flora of arctic and mountainous regions of former USSR
Tatjana P. Balandina MW Moscow State University Russia. Moscow. Flora of European Russia
Elena A. Ignatova MW Moscow State University Russia. Moscow. Bryophytes of former USSR
Vadim N. Pavlov MW Moscow State University Russia. Moscow. Mountain regions; especially central Asian flora and vegetation
Natalia K. Schvedczikova MW Moscow State University Russia. Moscow. Flora of Crimea and Caucasia
Alexey P. Seregin MW Moscow State University Russia. Moscow. Plant geography of eastern Europe; Allium, Liliaceae; herbaria of Russia
Tatiana Tolpysheva MW Moscow State University Russia. Moscow. Lichens