Moscow State University

  • Name

    Moscow State University

  • Herbarium Code


  • Current Status


  • Correspondents

    Alexey Seregin, Curator,

  • Contact

    [7] 495 939 50 21
    Fax: [7] 495 939 50 21

  • Address

    Department of Ecology and Plant Geography
    Faculty of Biology
    Moscow State University
    Leninskie Gory 1
    Moscow 119991

  • Specialty

    Taxonomic Coverage: Vascular plants (including 4,748 types); modest collection of lichens (ca. 10,000 specimens); bryophytes (86,293 specimens); diatoms (857 specimens, use MW-D acronym); no fungi and algae

    Geography: Worldwide, but strong in the former U.S.S.R., especially European part (390,600 specimens), Caucasus (109,000), Crimea (32,700), Siberia and Russian Far East (184,200), and Middle Asia and Kazakhstan (100,800); Mongolia (27,700); western and central Europe (40,600); other Asian countries (27,900)

  • Notes

    Updated Dec 2022 (general update). MW is the second largest herbarium of Russia with ca. 20,000 additional accessions in 2019. Loans and exchange are temporarily suspended. Historic collections of G. F. Hoffmann, J. F. Ehrhart, C. B. Trinius, I. Forster, and Herbarium Alchemillarum of V. N. Tikhomirov are stored separately. Complete digitization was finished in 2018. Ca. 1,047,500 specimens are digitized and fully available via Moscow Digital Herbarium ( and GBIF (

  • Feedback

    Send comment or correction to the Editor of Index Herbariorum

  • Number of Specimens


  •   Num. of Specimens Num. Databased Num. Imaged
    Algae 857 857 0
    Bryophytes 86293 86293 86293
    Fungi/Lichens 10000 0 0
    Pteridophytes 25283 25283 25283
    Seed Plants 987173 925142 925142
  • Date Founded

    1765 or 1780

  • Updated


  • Associated Institution

    Associated garden: Moscow State University Botanic Garden

  • Incorporated Herbaria

    Badkhyz Reserve, Turkmenistan, ca. 1,000 specimens (2017);
    Insitute of Forest Studies, Russian Academy of Sciencies, ca. 28,000 specimens (2022).;
    Institute of physicochemical and biological problems in soil science of the Russian Academy of Sciences, ca. 1,000 specimens (2018);
    Kostroma State University, laboratory of forest ecosystem stability, ca. 2,000 specimens (2016);
    Medical and Surgical Academy;
    MOSP (in part - A. Zernov collections);
    Societas Naturae Curiosorum Mosquensis;
    Vladimir Museum of Nature, ca. 500 specimens (2019)

  • Important Collectors

    M. F. Adams, V. V. Alechin, Y. E. Alexeev, A. M. Amirkhanov, N. V. Androssov, N. I. Annenkov, S. A. Balandin, F. A. M. von Bieberstein, E. Boissier, A. K. Boschnjak, A. J. Bronzov, S. S. Charkevicz, G. I. Cherkasova, L. N. Chilikina, H. Cuming, T. G. Dervis-Sokolova, J. Dickson, G. I. Dochman, M. S. Dvorakovsky, J. F. Ehrhart, A. G. Elenevsky, R. A. Elenevsky, V. R. Filin, A. F. Flerov, I. Forster, J. G. A. Forster, E. E. Gogina, L. F. Goldbach, M. I. Golenkin, V. P. Goloskokov, I. N. Goroshankin, V. S. Govoruchin, G. E. Grosset, A. A. Grossheim, I. A. Gubanov, A. von Haller, H. C. Haussknecht, G. F. Hoffmann, F. R. Hohenacker, D. H. Hoppe, M. S. Ignatov, N. N. Kaden, M. N. Karavaev, G. S. Karelin, N. J. Katz, N. N. Kauffmann, A. P. Khokhrjakov, K. V. Kiseleva, E. V. Kluykov, V. L. Komarov, E. P. Korovin, A. V. Koshevnikov, S. I. Korshinsky, I. P. Kirilow, T. Kotschy, J. Krause, I. M. Krasnoborov, M. V. Kultiassov, V. B. Kuvajev, F. S. Leontijev, C. Linnaeus, S. Y. Lipschitz, D. I. Litvinov, S. R. Majorov, M. A. Maximowicz, K. I. Meyer, K. Meinshausen, G. V. Mikeschin, D. Murray, M. I. Nazarov, V. S. Novikov, P. T. Novograblenov, I. V. Novopokrovsky, I. V. Palibin, N. V. Pavlov, V. N. Pavlov, M. G. Pimenov, A. N. Petunnikov, G. M. Proskurjakova, N. A. Prozorovsky, M. G. Popov, E. B. Pospelova, I. A. Rajkova, L. E. Rodin, F. I. Ruprecht, A. I. Schreter, N. V. Schipczinskij, I. S. Schtschukin, A. I. Schrenk, N. K. Schvedczikova, I. G. Serebrjakov, I. E. Shavrov, P. V. Sjuzev, P. A. Smirnov, V. I. Smirnov, D. D. Sokolov, S. S. Stankov, C. von Steven, V. N. Sukaczev, D. P. Syreistschikov, G. V. Tekutjeva, C. P. Thunberg, V. N. Tikhomirov, T. T. Trofimov, C. B. Trinius, N. S. Turczaninow, A. P. Tyrtikov, L. A. Utkin, V. N. Vekhov, T. B. Vernander, S. V. Viktorov, A. G. Voronov, V. N. Voroschilov, A. Zernov, A. E. Zhadovsky, P. P. Zhudova, V. Y. Zinger