Rosa virginiana Mill.

  • Authority

    Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Rosa virginiana Mill.

  • Description

    Species Description - Stout and branched, to 2 m, scarcely colonial; infrastipular prickles stout, usually somewhat decurved, the flattened base tending to be more than half as long as the prickle; internodal prickles few and similar to the others, or none; stipules usually glandular-dentate, somewhat dilated above, the free part lanceolate to semiovate; lfls usually 7 or 9, glossy, oblong to oval or ovate, often more than half as wide as long, coarsely toothed, the teeth avg ca 1 mm high; fls solitary or few together on branches from old wood; pedicel and hypanthium stipitate-glandular; sep often conspicuously elongate, to 3 cm, with lanceolate foliaceous tip, soon spreading or reflexed, then deciduous; pet pink, 2–3 cm; hips red, 10–15 mm thick; 2n=28. Moist or dry soil; Nf. to Pa. and Va., and inland irregularly to Mo. Hybridizes with R. carolina, R. nitida, and R. palustris. (R. lucida)

  • Common Names
