Verbesina L.
Britton, Nathaniel L. & Millspaugh, Charles F. 1920. The Bahama Flora.
Scientific Name
Description - Erect or diffuse, branching, pubescent or hirsute herbs, with opposite leaves, and small peduncled terminal and axillary heads of tubular and radiate whitish flowers. Involucre hemispheric or broadly campanulate, its bracts imbricated in about 2 series, nearly equal, or the outer longer. Receptacle flat or convex, chaffy, the chaff awn-like, subtending the achenes. Ray-flowers pistillate, fertile. Disk-flowers perfect, mostly fertile, their corollas tubular, 4-toothed or rarely 5-toothed. Anthers entire or minutely 2-toothed at the base. Achenes thick, those of the rays 3-sided, those of the disk compressed. Pappus none, or of a few short teeth. [Name changed from Verbena.] About 4 species, the following typical.