Hymenocallis Salisb.

  • Authority

    Britton, Nathaniel L. & Millspaugh, Charles F. 1920. The Bahama Flora.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Hymenocallis Salisb.

  • Description

    Description - Mostly tall bulbous herbs with usually lanceolate or linear-oblong leaves, and large white capitate or umbelled flowers on solid scapes, each flower subtended by 2 membranous bracts. Perianth of 6 spreading or recurved, narrow equal elongated lobes, united below into a long cylindric tube. Stamens inserted in the top of the perianth-tube, the lower parts of the long filaments connected by a membranous crown; anthers linear, versatile. Ovary 3-celled; ovules only 1 or 2 in each cavity; style filiform, long-exserted; stigma small, entire or nearly so. Capsule rather fleshy. Seeds usually only 1 or 2, large, green, fleshy. [Greek, beautiful membrane, referring to the crown.] About 30 species, all American. Type species: Hymenocallis littoralis Salisb.