Aconitum noveboracense A.Gray
Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.
Scientific Name
Species Description - Stem erect, to 1(–1.5) m, from a thickened, turnip-like root that is renewed each year, the new root alongside the old one; lvs rather few, deeply 5–7-cleft into cuneate-obovate segments, these deeply, sharply, and repeatedly incised; infl usually simple, its axis and pedicels with straight, spreading hairs 1 mm, fls few, dark purple to blue (varying to seldom white); helmet ca 14–17 mm long (measured to the tip of the beak) and about as high (or not quite so high), rounded and dome-like, the beak scarcely differentiated from the hood; 2n=16. Streambanks, talus, and cold woods; c. and ec. N.Y., ne. O., and in and near the driftless area of Wis. and Io. July–Aug. Perhaps properly to be subordinated to the cordilleran A. columbianum Nutt.
Common Names
New York monkshood