Britton, Nathaniel L. & Millspaugh, Charles F. 1920. The Bahama Flora.
Scientific Name
Genus Description - Leaves alternate or the uppermost opposite, often of 2 kinds, submerged and floating, the submerged mostly linear, the floating coriaceous, lanceolate, ovate or oval. Spathes stipular, often ligulate, free or connate with the base of the leaf or petiole, enclosing the young buds and usually soon perishing after expanding. Peduncles axillary, usually emersed. Flowers small, spicate, green or red. Perianth-segments 4, short-clawed, concave, valvate. Stamens 4, inserted on the claws of the perianth-segments. Anthers sessile. Ovaries 4, sessile, distinct, 1-celled, 1-ovuled, attenuated into a short style, or with a sessile stigma. Fruit of 4 drupelets, the pericarp usually thin and hard or spongy. Seeds crustaceous, campylotropous, with an uncinate embryo thickened at the radicular end. [Greek, in allusion to the aquatic habitat.] About 65 species, mostly natives of temperate regions. Type species: Potamogeton natans L.