Woodsia oregana D.C. Eaton
Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.
Scientific Name
Species Description - Rhizome-scales light brown, often lacking a dark stripe, lance-linear, seldom over 0.5 mm wide, subentire; lvs 7–25 cm; petiole dark brown toward the scaly base, not articulate, without long hairs; blade lanceolate, 1–5 cm wide, acuminate, slightly narrowed below, subbipinnate to subtripinnate, glabrous to glandular (the glands cylindric), but without long hairs; pinnae 7–17 pairs, deltoid to lanceolate, sessile, mostly bipinnatifid with 5–7 pairs of segments, or merely pinnatifid with toothed segments; indusial segments several, narrow, 2–3 cells wide at the base, commonly uniseriate distally; 2n=76, 152. Rock crevices; cordilleran region from B.C. and Alta. to Calif. and N.M., and irregularly e. to Okla., Wis., Sask., Que., w. N.Y., and Vt. Strongly glandular plants from the Great Lakes region (esp. in Minn. and Wis.) have been called var. cathcartiana (B. L. Rob.) C. V. Morton. At least some of these are tetraploid, in contrast to the diploid, less glandular or glabrous var. oregana.
Common Names
western cliff-fern