Sullivantia sullivantii Torr. & A.Gray

  • Authority

    Soltis, Douglas E. 1991. A Revision of Sullivantia (Saxifragaceae). Brittonia. 43 (1): 27-53.

  • Family


  • Scientific Name

    Sullivantia sullivantii (Torr. & A.Gray) Britton

  • Description

    Species Description - Plants 5-40 cm in height. Stem erect to oblique. Basal leaf blades 1-12 cm broad, incisely 7-13-lobed for 1/4-1/2 the length of blade to shallowly and somewhat irregularly 7- to many-lobed; lobes cuneate-oblong to crenate and once or twice dentately to coarsely and subcrenately toothed. Stipules membranous, inconspic- uous to slightly expanded; margins erose with a few long bristles to lacinate. Inflorescence erect to decumbent, the primary and higher order branches ascending relative to the central axis. Calyx tubular-campanulate, 1.3-3.2 mm long, 1.2- 2.1 mm wide; lobes triangular-ovate to lanceolate-oblong, 0.8-1.5 mm long, 0.6- 1.1 mm wide. Petals 1.7-3.5 mm long; blade ovate and abruptly narrowed into the claw to lanceolate and gradually narrowed into claw, 0.7-1.6 mm wide; claw ca 1/5-1/3 total petal length. Ovary ca 1/2 inferior. Capsules at maturity cylindric ovate to cylindric-elliptic, 3-7.5 mm long, 1.3-3.2 mm wide. Seeds tan (rarely red-brown), 0.7-1.2 mm long, 0.2-0.5 mm wide, the main body (not including winged-margin) 0.4-0.7 mm long. 2n = 14.

  • Discussion

    Saxifraga (?) sullivantii Torry & A. Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 575. 1840. Sullivantia ohionis Torrey & A. Gray ex A. Gray, Amer. J. Sci. Arts 42: 22. 1842, nom. nov. Suilivantia sullivantii (Torrey & A. Gray) Britton, Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 5: 178. 1894. TYPE: U.S.A. OHIO: "Limestone Cliffs, Highland County," Sullivant s.n. (HOLOTYPE: GH!).

    Sullivantia renifolia C. 0. Rosend., Minnesota Stud. P1. Sci. 1(6): 410. 1927. TYPE: U.S.A. MINNESOTA. Winona Co.: "On moist sandstone ledges one mile north of Gwinn's Bluff," 23 Jul 1918, Rosendahl & Butters 3647 (HOLOTYPE: MIN!; ISOTYPES: MIN!, MO!, RM!).

    Moist limestone and sandstone cliffs. Southeastern Indiana and southern Ohio (with an unverified report from Carter Co., Kentucky); the Driftless Area of southwestern Wisconsin, southeastern Minnesota, northeastern Iowa, and north- western Illinois (a few populations from Iowa and Illinois do occur just outside the Driftless Area); eastern Missouri; western Virginia. Flowering occurs from May through July.

    Sullivantia sullivantii is the most wide-ranging species in the genus, and it is also the most variable, both morphologically and chemically. Rosendahl (1927) distinguished populations occurring in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin (treated as S. renifolia, and later including additional populations from Missouri) from populations occurring in Indiana and Ohio (treated as S. sullivantii) on the basis of petal, sepal, leaf, and capsule characters. Detailed re-examination of these and other morphological characters, and also of flavonoid constituents, indicates that while the endpoints of the two series are distinct, a continuous pattern of variation exists that bridges the gap between the extremes. This study revealed no character that successfully and consistently differentiated S. renifolia and S. sullivantii (sensu Rosendahl). Fernald apparently reached a similar conclusion in his examination of eastern U.S. material of Sullivantia (Soltis, 1 980c, see letter of Rosendahl to Fernald, app. 2). As a result, S. renifolia has been reduced to synonymy.

    Certain morphological characters clearly differentiate S. sullivantii from the western taxa. In other characters, a definite morphological similarity exists between S. hapemanii and S. sullivantii (especially westernmost populations of S. sulli- vantii). Flavonoid chemistry reveals a similar pattern. This morphological resemblance in several characters led Small (Small & Rydberg, 1905) and Britton and Brown (1913) to consider populations from Wisconsin and Minnesota as conspecific with certain populations from Wyoming and Colorado

    Gleason and Cronquist (1963) and Gleason (1963) report the range of S. sullivantii (sensu Rosendahl) as including central Kentucky. These reports of S. sullivantii from Kentucky apparently are based on a collection of Lucy Braun from Tygart's Creek, Carter Co. (Medley, pers. comm.). The voucher specimen for this collection is, however, not at US, which houses Braun's collections, or at any other major herbarium. Attempts at relocating this population have so far failed. Sullivantia sullivantii was recently collected in Russell Co., Virginia (Ogle, pers. comm.), which greatly expands the geographic range of this species, and also suggests that it may be present in Kentucky, West Virginia, and perhaps even Tennessee.

    The generic name Sullivantia was first used by Torrey and Gray in a footnote to an article by Gray (1842) that appeared in the American Journal of Science, andArts. In Gray's article, however, the reference to the description of Sullivantia is listed as "fl. N. Am. suppl. ined.," presumably meaning that it would appear in a supplement to the Flora of North America. The supplement was never published.

    According to the protologue, the type of S. sullivantii was collected on "lime- stone cliffs, Highland County, Ohio" by William S. Sullivant. The holotype is located at GH and the collection data given on the label read "Highland Co., Ohio, 1840." These same label data are not found on any of the numerous additional collections of S. sullivantii by Sullivant (Soltis, 1980c, see app. 1). The data given on the labels of most of these additional collections read simply "Sul- livant, Columbus, Ohio." Although some of these collections may represent type material, this simply cannot be determined based on the label data provided

    Representative specimens examined: Illinois. Carroll Co.: Fuller 1735 (F, ISM). Jo Daviess Co.: Ahles s.n., in 1943 (ISM); Bergseng & Bere s.n., in 1954 (WIS); Soltis & Haufler 1006 (ILL, IND); Spongberg 63-901 (ISM). Stephenson Co.: Evers 19278 (WIS); Fell 57-1026 (DEK); Fell & Fell 164a (ISM); Umbach 906 (WIS). Indiana. Clark Co.: Barnes s.n., in 1878 (PUR); Deam 28002 (GH, IND, PUR, US); Deam 56233 (IND); Soltis & Doyle 975 (IND). Jefferson Co.: Iltis & Kawano s.n., in 1962 (WIS); McGraw s.n., in 1936 (WIS); Soltis & Haufler 977 (IND). Jennings Co.: Deam 9133, 24708 (both IND); Soltis & Haufler 979 (IND). Iowa. Allamakee Co.: Rosendahl 4939, 7145, 7488, 7680 (all MIN); Soltis & Doyle 1052 (IA, IND); Soltis & Haufler 988 (IA, IND). Cedar Co.: Fay 439 (OSC, UC). Clayton Co.: Murley 1477 (ISC); Shimek s.n., in 1933 (OS), Soltis & Haufler 997 (IA, IND). Delaware Co.: Soltis & Doyle 1054a, 1054b (both IA, IND); Soltis & Haufler 991 (IA, IND). Dubuque Co.: Gale et al. sn., in 1951 (WIS); Hayden 9906 (GH, ISC); Sorenson 884 (DEK); Thorne 9991 (ILL, MIN). Fayette Co.: Soltis & Doyle 1053 (IA, IND); Soltis & Haufler 998 (IA, IND). Jackson Co.: Cooperrider 1790 (MIN). Jones Co.: Cooperrider & Cooperrider 1341 (KE); Shimek s.n., in 1928 (MIN); Soltis & Doyle 1056a, 1056b (both IA, IND). Linn Co.: Melhaus & Buchanan s.n., in 1933 (ISC). Minnesota. Fillmore Co.: McIntire s.n., in 1920 (MIN). Houston Co.: Rosendahl 7787 (MIN). Winona Co.: Rosendahl & Butters 3647 (MIN, RM); Rosendahl & Nielson 1850 (MIN); Rosendahl et al. 18457 (MIN); Soltis & Doyle 1051 (IND, MIN). Missouri. Franklin Co.: Soltis & Doyle 1058 (IND, MO); Steyermark 41030 (F, NY, US, WIS). Howell Co.: Soltis et al. 1061 (IND, MO); Steyermark 5502 (F, MO), 23472 (F, ISC, MIN, NY, WIS). Jefferson Co.: Anderson s.n., in 1950 (MO); Chandler 2344 (MO); Christ s.n., in 1971 (MO). Shannon Co.: Redfearn 17920 (SMS); Soltis et al. 1062 (IND, MO); Steyermark 12680 (MIN, MO, UC). Warren Co.: Soltis & Doyle 1057 (IND, MO); Steyermark 467 (MO), 15865 (GH, MIN, SIU, UMO), 82470 (GH, UMO). Ohio. Adams Co.: Braun s.n., in 1925 (US); Stuckey 2879, 3961 (both OS); Terrell 609 (OS). Highland Co.: Bartley & Pontius s.n., in 1931 (OS), 346 (NY); Braun s.n., in 1966 (US); Cronquist 4007 (F, NY); Owen 31 (OS); Steyermark 70534 (F); Stuckey 3326, 8021 (both OS); Terrell 2010 (OS). Hocking Co.: Daubenmire s.n., in 1930 (WS, WTU); Hall & Price 1541 (BHO); Wingo & Gray 265 (BHO); Wolfe et al. s.n., in 1940 (OS). Jackson Co.: Bartley & Pontius 69 (NY); Drushel 10773 (NY, US). Muskingum Co.: Werner s.n., in 1892 (OS). Pike Co.: Pontius & Bartley s.n., in 1930 (OS). Ross Co.: Dreisbach 2-159 (F); Fisher 1630 (OS); Hall & Bartley 2412 (BHO); Roberts & Youger 2835, 2839, 3184 (all OS); Stuckey 3898 (OS). Scioto Co.: Blaydes s.n., in 1931 (OS). Vinton Co.: Friesner 28-82 (BUT). Wisconsin. Adams Co.: Cheney 3736 (MIL, WIS); Heddle 629 (WIS); Iltis 26574 (WIS). Columbia Co.: Hermann 8701 (MIN, NY); Salamun s.n., in 1960 (UWM); Thomson s.n., in 1949 (WIS). Grant Co.: Fassett 13358, 13360 (both WIS); Hansen 2636, 2644 (both WIS); Musselman 2082 (UWM, WIS); Nee 5557, 7153 (both WIS). Iowa Co.: Clarke 7 (WIS); Fassett 12560 (GH); Iltis & Salamun 10293 (WIS); Nielson & Nielson 6516 (MIN); Soltis & Doyle 1048 (IND, WIS). Juneau Co.: Fassett & Wilson 18941 (WIS); Palmer 28432 (MO, NY, UMO). Monroe Co.: Fassett 14454 (WIS). Richland Co.: Cochrane & Nee 5632 (WIS); Iltis & Salamun 9902, 10020 (both WIS); Nee, 1387, 2339, 5230, 12627, 12866, 13414 (all WIS); Salamun 2668 (UWM); Salamun & Iltis s.n., in 1957 (UWM); Soltis & Doyle 1049 (IND, WIS); Wadmond 2234 (MIN, WIS). Sauk Co.: Fassett s.n., in 1939 (WIS); Hartley 7821 (WIS); Iltis et aL 13738 (WIS); Nielson et al. 6555 (ISC, MIN, RM, UC); Salamun s.n., in 1960 (WIS). Trempealeau Co.: Baird s.n., in 1930 (WIS); Fassett 15460 (GH, MO); Hartley & Peterson 2401 (WIS). Vernon Co.: Hartley & Hartley 1799 (US); Iltis & Neess 8755 (WIS); Nee 3142, 3160 (both WIS); Thompson s.n., in 1965 (WIS); Warnes & Cochrane 233 (WIS).